chapter three

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I walked briskly into the hospital building, walking to the counter I took the attendance book from the nurse and quickly signed in.

Striding into my office,I sat down as I skimmed through the files of the patients I ought to attend to..

Just then my colleague walked into my office with a grumpy look..

"Mr Henry,is anything the matter?" I asked raising my eyebrows with a questioning look..

"I don't know what's wrong with that ward three patient,he wouldn't allow me run test on him,how will I treat him with out knowing the cause of his illness." He fumed.

I rolled my eyes, ignoring his complaints knowing how impatient he could be with overbearing patients.

"It's okay, I'll run test on him on your behalf.
But I have always told you Mr Henry,that you have to take it easy on patients,that is the ethics of our profession." I uttered.

"Nne,I know,but this one weared out every iota of patience in me..
Thanks babe,let me attend to other patients." he smirked disappearing through the door.
I opened my mouth to repeat my phrase word of asking him to stop addressing me as babe.but closed it as he was out of sight .

"Doctor Lily, Good morning oo." Blessings greeted with a broom in her hand.

"Ble ble." As she was fondly called..

"This one you are still with broom,I hope you know that Doctor Maduka will be coming today." I piped.

Doctor Maduka is the head doctor in Federal Medical Hospital Awka,with 30yrs of experience,he was kind but was always mistoken as harsh due to his intolerance for tardiness.

"You won't believe what I heard oo,Can you believe that the young man in Ward fifty eight,that claimed that he had a home accident was lying oo." Blessing gisted ignoring what I said about the head doctor's presence.

Blessing,may be a cleaner, but I held her dear to my heart,she was a very hardworking and kind hearted person,whose husband left for another woman leaving her to cater for her two adorable children.

The flaw she has is that,she loves sharing informations she hears even the ones that are not supposed to be said.
She was a gistlover and nothing could happen in this hospital that she wouldn't be the first person to know about it.

"Are you serious?
What then happened to him." I feigned interest looking through the files I had on my table.

"My dear,the idiot was double dating oo.
And the most interesting part of it was that he is dating an army lady and a police woman."

That man wants to sign his death warrant.
Dating an army lady and a police woman at the same time." I exclaimed.

"Nwanne mm oo,the two ladies later found out and gave him the beating of his life yabu ee,Kuo gwo gwo( that is ee,gutted him very very well).
He now came here and started saying rubbish about home accident." Blessing sneered.

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