The big secret

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I stare at him for a while, confused.When he notices this, he covers my face with his hand.Then he says"We will arrive soon".I wonder where he's taking me. I should be afraid of him, but I'm not.I feel safe in his arms.
After a while Adarn stops and Dylan carries me somewhere.I have no idea where we are, all I know is that he is walking somewhere with fast and long steps.I feel him carefully lay me down on the couch.He slowly removes his hand from my eyes. That's when my heart skips a beat.I look at his mysterious blue eyes that I once smiled at.Why did he bring me here in the first place?"Listen, I know you're confused," he begins. "I don't want to beg you, but I need your help."My help? What would one of the most powerful wizards ever need me for?"What makes you think I'll help you?"I almost say rudely.He sighs and then says, "Just listen. It's important, okay."I would like to punch him in that beautiful face that betrayed me.But I don't do that. Instead, I listen to him because I'm curious."Do you remember the strange white strands in your hair? he asks.I look at my dark brown hair, half of which is covered in white."Of course I remember you idiot" I snap at him.He rolls his eyes and then asks, "Did you ever find out what they mean?"I got them the night I touched that beautiful rose."No. What are you interested in anyway?"Are you wondering what it means?"he says suspiciously.I don't even know if I want to know The last year has been crazy.It all started when my mother started behaving strangely.She was barely home.Then I decided to find out what she does all day.I followed her.Before I knew it, I was in the middle of a forest in London.I found out that she works there as an agent.From the age of 14, I followed in her footsteps and trained as an agent myself.One day she disappeared and no one knew what happened to her.Together with my friend Lisa, I started my own investigation.Dylan and I were close at the time.The next moment, my mother died in my arms and Dylan killed her.I still don't know why he did it.I'm jolted out of my thoughts by Dylan's footsteps.
"Yes, enlighten yourself with your mind"i say sarcastically.She runs his hand through his wavy hair."Here comes the part where I need your help"she looks at me as if we were old friends."It means you are chosen.""Chosen" I almost burst out laughing.But he doesn't laugh his face remains serious."I mean it"he says sternly.He lowers his voice and continues"The ring of power chose you. Do you even know what a great honor it is. If you wear it, you will be the most powerful witch that ever existed, and if not..."I look at him scared and ask "And if I don't accept him, what will happen to me?"Dylan didn't have time to answer me as a group of agents burst through the door.I don't know whether to calm down or get upset.Before I even realize what's happening, one of the agents pulls me away from Dylan.But the other agents attack him.The agent holding me pulls me out of his hiding place.I know very well how they found us Tarani.Dragons are trained to find help in times of trouble.He warned them.

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