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I slowly start to open my eyes.I quickly realize that I am no longer in the same space as before.My vision hasn't cleared yet, so I see everything blurry.I can see two figures standing in front of me.One is Dylan and I can't recognize the other.It's a trap!I get off the ground as fast as I can.I reach into my pocket to find the knife. But it's not there.Shit.The figure comes a little closer to me. I take a step back.If he tries something, I have to be ready.I look around. Wait a minute, this is a lake.The same lake I stood by who knows how many hours ago.I could run away.However, Dylan could easily catch me as I can barely stand because of my leg."Who are you?!" I shout at the figure."It's a shame you don't remember me anymore. We didn't see each other for only a year"he answer me.I almost fell back on the ground when I heard his voice."Father?"I ask with a trembling voice. But it wasn't a question, it was a statement. It's him."You seem to remember me" he says mockingly."It's hard to forget the murderer of the family," I retort sharply.My answer is followed by cold laughter.Suddenly he walks towards me violently. He grabs my neck. He holds it tight but I can still breathe."Do you know what i whant from you?"he asks me."No, I won't join you," I answer"Too bad it looks like I'll have to kill you too"he finally says.I barely notice now that he is holding a knife in his hand. So this is what happened with my knife.I solved at least one secret before my death.As he raises the knife to cut my throat, I grab his hand.I hold her as firmly as I can. Then I push the knife into his stomach.I push the knife so deep that the tip peeks out from his back on the other side.My father's blood splatters on my face. And we both fall to the ground.Only a moment passes and I find out what I actually did.I KILLED HIM!!Bitter tears fall down my face and mix with blood."Please wake up. Please don't be dead. I'm sorry. What did I do?"I'm breathing hard.My whole body is shaking.I'm holding my head and I'm just about to start pulling my hair out.Suddenly I feel a heavy body hugging me.I don't even have to look, I just know it's Dylan.After a while I calm down a bit.Then Dylan says "Come on I'll take you back to camp."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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