2) Their Past

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"How do we explain this?"I whispered as she laid on the couch.

"I don't know. She's going to have some type of memory, and what if she learns something she's not supposed to? What could it even be?"Aris asked, running a hand through his hair. "Wasn't once enough? Wasn't it enough to almost lose you? Why her? Why now?"He asked.

"I don't know,"I mumbled.

"I think I might, but I don't think you'll like it,"Gally admitted.

"That doesn't matter. Just tell us how to make her better,"I pleaded.

"You cured yourself, but being an Irreparabiliss Monstrum is a genetic trait. Which means-"
"It still runs in my blood,"I whispered.

Which means it's all your fault.

I know. My babygirl is currently going through a phase worse than death, and it's all my fault.

Nobody spoke because there was nothing to really say. Instead, there was that one silent message between Aris and I as he placed his hand in mine and gently squeezed. After all this time it hadn't changed.

Luna wasn't supposed to change either. Of course she was supposed to go through much more different things that involved growing up. This isn't that though. Being an Irreparabiliss Monstrum doesn't have anything to do with growing up. It does the opposite. It holds you back and breaks you dowm until you're nothing.

"How are we supposed to get her back to the city without the kids sneaking on with us? You know they're going to do everything to get on,"Brenda pointed out.

"We're just going to have to say no,"Gally shrugged.

"Do we explain it to them? If so how much? With what words?"Sonya asked. All valid questions and all things we never thought we'd have to think about.

"It was supposed to be over. We were supposed to leave all of this behind. Forever,"Minho whispered.

"Nothing is never an over when it comes to us. There's always something,"Thomas sighed, leaning back in his seat.

"Since she's doing alright do you two want us to go for a bit? Give you a minute to process all of this?"Newt offered. I glanced at Aris who was just as lost as me.

"I think I'll start packing before they start to figure stuff out,"Harriet mumbled, standing up and walking out. One by one everybody filed out on their own time until it was just Newt and Thomas.

"Do you want me gone too?"Newt repeated. To be honest I don't know what I wanted right now. Nothing could truly help except for her being better. Why would it matter whether or not he's here?

"You should probably stay. Just for a little longer,"Aris murmured.

"Yeah. Okay,"He nodded.

And that was the last word spoken for hours on end.

Luna's P.O.V


"She's beautiful, isn't she?"Mom asked.

"She's perfect,"Dad agreed as he looked down at a baby. I tried to figure out where I was, but there wasn't any clue. Obviously I was in the Safe Haven, but I didn't know where it was.

"We still have to look for the mark,"Mom whispered after a moment of silence.

I squinted my eyes as I made out the scene. It was clearly my parents but younger. They were holding a newborn swaddled up in a blanket. That's when I realized it was me. Somehow, I was in the past.

"No mark. She doesn't have it,"Mom said, heaving a sigh of relief.

"This means she never has to know about any of it. We still won't speak a word of it,"Dad added.

Speak a word of what?

"We've come this far, haven't we? That's in the past for a reason. Everyone already has their answers planned out."

"It kind of feels like lying."

"But it's not, and even if it was it wouldn't matter. We're going to look after her,"Mom said as she held me.

"Yeah. What should we name her?"Dad asked as he kept his eyes on me.

"I was thinking Luna."

"Your best friend Luna?"Dad asked quietly.

Luna? I thought Newt was Mom's best friend. He's the first she hugs at any function, and I swear they have their own language. Sometimes, they kind of disappear together. I asked Dad about it, but he just said they were talking about something special. Whenever I asked what that was he got this sad look in his eye. When Mom came back she would have that expression too. It's clear they're extremely close.

So who was this other Luna?

"Yeah. Luna still means a lot, and it feels like a way to honor her. What do you think?"

Dad smiled at Mom before taking her free hand and lightly squeezing it. Mom didn't hesitate to squeeze back.

"Welcome to the world little Luna. We're going to look after you no matter what,"Dad agreed.

"You're going to live a much a better life than ours. We promise,"Mom added before her eyes started to shut. That's when there was light knock on the door. Dad kissed Mom on the forehead before picking me up. Almost as soon as he did her breathing evened out.

"Hey,"Dad whispered, opening the door.

"I just came to drop this off for Y/N,"Uncle Newt explained, handing Dad a red envelope. "And this is for you,"He added, handing Dad a blue one.

"She has a name,"Dad said, opening the rest of the door to reveal little me fast asleep in his arms.

"She's beautiful. What is it?"He eagerly asked.

"Luna. Her name is Luna,"He answered. That's when Uncle Newt froze before regaining his composure.

"Y/N picked that out, didn't she?"He asked softly.

Even Uncle Newt knew about Luna?

"Yeah. She did,"He nodded.

"Congratulations again. You two will be great parents."

"I hope so."

"I know so. I'm going to get back to Tommy, but when Y/N wakes up tell her I swung by. If two need anything we're right next door,"He assured him.

"Thanks Newt. Goodnight,"He whispered, shutting the door. Just a second later he swung it open.

"I forgot to tell you. She doesn't have the mark,"He exclaimed, grinning.

"I knew she wouldn't. After all we've been through we deserved to have something good happen."

What have they been through?

"I know. Just please. I know we said it before but promise not to talk about WIC-"


I woke up in a cold sweat. It wasn't waking up though. Whatever just happened wasn't sleep.

"You're up,"Mom whispered, gentle stroking my hair.

As she did there were a thousand questions on my mind, but only one came out.

"Mom. Who's Luna?"

The Story Never Ends (Book 3. of A Beautiful Distraction Where stories live. Discover now