Chapter 02

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I looked around the school and looked at my sheet where the class was and my timetable. I looked in vain for the classroom; the school was like a labyrinth. As I wanted to continue searching, I was startled when I heard a voice. It was a voice from a young man.

"Do you need help?" he asked me as he walked towards me. I looked at him, or rather up at him because he was taller than me. He appears as a tall young man of slim to athletic build. He has a pale complexion with unkempt, wavy black hair that falls over his eyes. His eyes are gray and have long eyelashes. Despite his messy hair and slouched posture, he wears all of his clothes primly and properly.  He also wears a set of large black glasses. The glasses are later revealed to be for aesthetic purposes and to help him maintain an unassuming image, as he did not need them before nor after his probation. He also wears the school uniform and carries a bag.

I'm short compared to him but that didn't matter to me, but I have to look up to tall people like him

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I'm short compared to him but that didn't matter to me, but I have to look up to tall people like him. "Are you okay?" he asked me when he noticed that I was staring at him. I immediately looked back at my note.

"O-Oh. Uhm, yes, I need help, because I'm looking for this class," I said and showed him the piece of paper, which he immediately grabbed.

"Oh, that class with Ms. Kawakami. "That's exactly our class, come with me, I'll show you the way" he smiled at me and we set off immediately. I noticed how the others were looking at me but luckily no one spoke to me or asked for a photo or autograph. I'm relieved , finally a place where I am treated normally, like a normal student. "Apparently you're new here, welcome to Shujin Academy," he said as he walked next to me. "Fortunately, you're in my class, so it's easier to show you the way." It's amazing how calmly he talks to me even though he will definitely be late for class.

"Aren't you late for class?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Oh no, don't worry about it," it was so easy to say when we arrived in front of the class and the teacher, Ms. Kawakami, was already waiting.

"Ren Amamiya, you're late for class," she said and didn't look happy.

"Oh, well, I just showed our new classmate where our class is," he said ashamedly and scratched the back of his neck nervously, whereupon the teacher sighed

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"Oh, well, I just showed our new classmate where our class is," he said ashamedly and scratched the back of his neck nervously, whereupon the teacher sighed.

A story between Serenity my OC and Ren Amamiya/JokerWhere stories live. Discover now