Chapter 03

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While I was thinking and trying to search the internet about the Phan-site, I noticed that this strange app somehow appeared on my phone again. "Huh? Didn't I delete it? Oh whatever," I said to myself, ignoring the app this time. I then looked for the Phan-site and read everything. The Phantom Thieves must be really popular with people. //Wait, that reminds me, how about I write a song about the Phantom Thieves? Exactly, I'm writing one about the Phantom Thieves. // And I already had an inspiration for my next song and then it wasn't long before I reached the studio where I record and rehearse my other songs.

~Meanwhile with Ren, Ann, Ryuji and the others~

Comments started appearing on the phan site from people asking for help from the Phantom Thieves.

"Looks like we're finally getting new missions again!" Ryuji said happily.

"How can you seem so happy?" Yusuke asked.

"It's clear, he's always thinking about food!" Morgana said with a sigh.

"t-that's not true at all!" Ryuji denies it.

"Well then, who is our next person?" Haru asked.

"Let me take a look," said Ann and scrolled through the comments. "Mhm... no person is given. Some people write that students and young people are being threatened and blackmailed. They are asking us for help."

"Then we should meet after school and find the name and palace of the target," Morgana said.

"Okay then, let's meet at Café LeBlance," Ren said afterwards.

"But don't say a word to Serenity! She can't find out your identity or she'll spill the beans!" Morgana said.

"She would never do that. She may be famous and a pop star but she's a lovely person," Ann said.

"That's right" said Haru.

"Still not a word to her!" Morgana admonished.

"Yeah, okay," said Ren and the break was over and everyone went inside. School was long and Ren wrote homework and everything for Serenity.

After school was finally over, they made their way to Café LeBlance. Ren wrote a message to Serenity."Hey, it's Ren. I wrote everything down for you. You're welcome to come to Café LeBlance if you have time."

She then wrote back."Oh thanks Ren, I'll come over, when may I come over?"

"Whenever you have time, there's curry, you're definitely hungry"

"That's really nice, I'll come over, see you later Ren"

He smiled which Morgana, Ryuji and the others noticed.

"Hey Ren, why are you smiling like that?" Ryuji asked curiously.

"Oh um..." he said while scratching his neck.

"Come on, tell us," said Ann.

"All right," Ren sighed. "Well Serenity will stop by Café LeBlance. O-of course to give her her homework and stuff"

"Oh that's great!" Haru rejoiced. When the group arrived at the cafe and sat down to eat curry, they discussed the plan and searched for the target's name and their palace. It was difficult because there was no clue and no search results about the target person.

Morgana:"we have to focus on our plan! we need to find out the name of the person and the codeword + to find where the palace is. Without that we can't do anything. We need definitely help"

Ann:"But who can help us?" The group was thinking then.


A story between Serenity my OC and Ren Amamiya/JokerWhere stories live. Discover now