Don't worry, I got you.

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Quidditch time!!! Cedric has that secret unhinged Hufflepuff side and Herleif is a Slytherin Chaser! Oh and their dating in this.

Thank you to my friend who beta read this!!


As one of their Slytherin Chasers gets a Bludger to the abdomen, the rivalling team's Captain makes sure his boyfriend is ok and throws a silent tantrum.

Warning: injury to another player, mention of spit


The wind is biting against his cheeks while frost covers his goggles, the Quaffle under his arm as he rides his Comet to the other side of the Pitch. The score now is 70 - 50 points in favour for the Slytherin team, but Hufflepuff was giving them a fight.

Vaisey had passed Herleif the ball and he started racing to the other goal post as soon as he retrieved it.

Two Hufflepuff Chasers start trailing behind him while he tries to get his other teammates to help but they are too far behind him. He dives towards the middle of the Pitch and makes a turn towards the hoops quickly. With him being so close to the ground, the snow and dirt kicks up to block the opposing Chasers then rises up again when he deems that they're far enough.

"Herleif! Watch out!"

He doesn't hear and gets ready to throw the Quaffle but a blunt pain hits him hard in his stomach and he clutches his belly. A metallic taste goes to his mouth when the Bludger flies off as nausea settles in, the Quaffle falling and long forgotten.

Herleif hears a hushed whisper right next to his ear and a larger body holding him up until they touch the ground.

"Time out!" The voice again shouts and his ear starts ringing from the pain, he feels the same hand embracing him from falling on the ground completely.

"Don't worry, I got you."

The voice got clearer and Herleif realised that it was his beloved, Cedric, holding him tightly on the ground and whispering to him that he was alright.

"It hurts..." The ringing only gets louder. "I know but keep those pretty eyes of yours open, can you do that?" He nods slightly, still in pain. "But my stomach feels like it's on fire..." Cedric only smiled and kissed his cheek in response only.

Cedric carried him to the Quidditch tent, where they found Madam Pomfrey waiting. "Bring him in, bring him in!" She yells and shooed him away once Herleif was on the heat charmed bed.

"Is Herleif going to be ok?" Madam Pomfrey turns to him with distaste. "Yes. Now go and continue your game." Cedric sighs as turns back to the Pitch, but not before sneaking a last look at his boyfriend in pain.

A backup Chaser enters for Herleif and for the rest of the match, Cedric is angry that he couldn't watch his partner. So he just sat on his broom while pouting and crossing his arms like a child for the whole duration and let Slytherin win instead. The match ended with Slytherin having 230 points when their Seeker caught the Snitch.

Even if it was in the rules, Cedric scolded the Beater who hit Herleif with the bludger, and the Hufflepuff team made a mental note to never bother the Slytherin ever again. On or off sport.

They had never seen a Hufflepuff run to the Hospital Wing that fast after that. One of his friends said they were lucky that they only had a verbal lecture, or else their punishments would've been way worse. They said one of Cedric's secret crimes that he did to an unfortunate student who came after Herleif. Let's just say the student was found crazy in a closet and was sent to St. Mungo's.

Cedric was out of breath when he reached his destination and opened the door quietly to not alert the Matron so he could visit his beloved.

"Ced? What are you doing here?"

"Can I not see my darling?" He questioned back as he ran and hugged the other gently. "How is your stomach? Still hurting?" He sees Herleif still soothing his belly. "I'm fine, just a little painful though."

The brunette sighs and proceeds to smother him with kisses on his face and neck.

"You're too much." Herleif complains.

"But you like it." Cedric teases.

Hopefully, the nurse doesn't catch a badger cuddling a snake.

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