You're the smartest person I know.

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I hate procrastinating. Headcanon change is Hermione (with Harry as platonic friends), Ron (with Avivah [mentioned last chapter] as brother and sister figures) and Krum's dates because the age gap is weird, like a 14 year old and an 18 year old feels off, for obvious reasons. And also 

Thank you to Duolingo (I'm trying please forgive me and correct me because I only know basic phrases and I am using google translate) and this day's beta reader!!


Herleif ask his cousins from Beauxbatons advice on how to ask out the Hogwarts Champion.


Herleif paced through his thoughts, Avivah wanted him to go to the Yule Ball that was just a month away but he didn't want to because of "unfortunate" reasons.

Firstly, he doesn't know how to ballroom dance or just.. dance in general, secondly, the person he actually wants to ask is swarmed by girls and guys alike. Finally, needing to take care of the quintets if ever they become drunk accidentally during the said Yule Ball.

At first he asked Jack to take his place to look after the four teenagers but he said after the first dance he will go back to the Slyhtherin dorms and skip the afterparty.

He buries his head into his hands, feeling down, trying to distract himself with studies in the Great Hall instead. When he finds the person who put Harry's name in the Goblet, he is going to rip their head and feed it to the Swooping Evil back at home-

"'Erleif? Commet ça va ?" (Herleif? Are you ok?) He hears a soft and yet familiar voice and turns to see who it is. "Hello Pierre.." Then slams his head on the table.

"Tu as des problèmes cher cousin ?" (Having troubles dear cousin?)

"Non." (No.)

"Ça ne sert à rien de me mentir, 'Erleif. Est-ce à propos du bal de Noël ?" (There's no point in lying to me, Herleif. Is it about the Yule Ball?)

He grumbles at the mention of an unpleasant name which makes Pierre snort at his reaction. "Je le pensais, tu essaies de trouver un rendez-vous, je suppose." (I thought so, you're trying to find a date I'm guessing.)

"Oh shut it. He probably doesn't like me anyway."

"Oh? Tu viens de dire il ?" (Oh? Did you say he?)

Then something clicks in his head.

"Oh! Vous aimez Diggory, n'est-ce pas !" (Oh! You fancy Diggory, don't you!)

"Pouvez-vous au moins m'aider? (Can you help me at least?) You're the smartest person I know."

"Eh bien, j'ai des nouvelles incroyables pour vous, chère." (Well, I have amazing news for you dear Herleif.) And he pulls out a letter with a golden crest sigil on it. "Il vient de Diggory, ouvrez-le et bonne chance !" (It's from Diggory, open it and good luck!)

Pierre walks away and Herleif turns to stare at the letter with hesitation before breathing in and opening it delicately, not wanting to damage the envelope, then pulling out the letter. The letter was wonderfully handwritten and had a delightful "pinewood" aroma, the contents reading as follows;

Dear Herleif Clio Selby,

May I, Cedric Amos Diggory, take you to the Yule Ball as my date and possibly want to go out on a date in the Three Broomsticks in one of our visits to Hogsmeade soon?

Please meet me at the edge of the Great Lake later tonight but if you find this letter distasteful, please burn it publicly in the Great Hall.

From yours truly,

No wonder his cousin had such a big smile on his face and the quintet giggling like the little shits that they are at the other side of the Great Hall.

But, he can't say no now. He places the letter back into the envelope and puts it in his bag.

In a hidden corner, Cedric had a sigh of relief and watched as his longtime crush didn't reject him. He can't wait for tonight.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2023 ⏰

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