A New, Slightly Disfunctional Family

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Hello! The house above is where this chapter is set... Her new home.... Just imagine it covered in etchings, surrounded by flowers and overgrown with ivy...


The house was even more gorgeous up close, the white wooden panels were covered in intricate etchings that looked to be from the ancient werewolf script. I let my calloused fingers brush over them, feeling the grooves with the pad of my thumb. The beams are being strangled by strands of vibrant green ivy that have sprouted delicate lilac flowers, I nudge my nose into one and breathe in its delectable scent. The birds that have nestled in the over head trees belt out a melody that makes my heart swell and my feet tap, I could definitely see this place as my new home.

I here a key being jammed into a lock and it breaks my chain of thought, Poppy unlocks the old oak door and pushes it open.

A smile invades my face as I take in my surroundings, right in the middle of what I presume to be the foyer, is an old grand piano covered in all different sorts of glass jars that are filled with every type of flower known to man kind. The walls are riddled with beautiful paintings and carvings like the ones on the exterior, but the thing that makes my eyes widen with awe is the big, crystal chandelier dangling from the roof. The natural light that streams in from the window catches on the crystals and rebounds in all different directions, creating a light show that belongs in a fairy tale or at Disney Land.

A deep chuckle travels down the corridor and I jump in fright, "Come on now dear! You must be starving! Let me fix you some macaroni and cheese" Poppy claps her hands in delight before skipping in the direction the laugh came from, her precarious top-knot bobbing with every sway.

Her form disappears through a wooden door, I follow her immediately. Suddenly I feel embarrassed as I look around the room to see 5 pairs of eyes staring at me, a blush settles on my cheeks, "Hello" I speak, raising my hand in a small wave.

"OMG! A girl! This is a glorious day! Finally someone who gets me!" A female voice squeals before I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist, I look up to see a head of deep red hair and two green eyes, her nose is sprinkled with a dose of ginger freckles and her eyes remind me of a deer's, they are massive! "Hey! I'm a girl!" Aunt Poppy's voice shrills, "Yeah! But you're old... My name is alexis, but you can call me Lexi since we are pretty much sisters now" she speaks in one breath, "I'm India, but just Indi is fine" I giggle at her excitement.

"I've known you all my life and you still don't allow me to call you Lexi" a masculine voice whines, my eyes leave Lexi's to settle on a boy maybe 2 years older than me. He is gorgeous, with cheekbones that I would kill for and a smirk that makes me weak at the knees, "Hey, I'm Kale" he offers his hand with a wink, I take it with a smile and a nod.

"I'm Nico!" A boy that could only be described as a Greek god, yells from the corner of the room with a mega watt smile, "Carter" a deep brooding voice bellows, the raspy voice belongs to a a dark haired and tattooed guy, who is also mouth-watering. "This handsome young lad right here is Jay" I feel my hand being lifted and kissed by a pair of soft lips, I turn my head and I'm met with two blue eyes framed by a golden head of hair.

I smile at all of them and my cheeks ache at the size of it.

"How about this! I'll make us all a bowl of macaroni and cheese each and we can all sit down at the dining room table, talk and laugh whilst getting to know our new member!" Aunts Poppy asks and we all nod in sync.

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