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I wrote this in the airport with a serious case of jet-lag... so bare with me please...

(Top picture of Max Irons who I think is the perfect Carter) 

"Do you remember that time when we were playing catch inside and we smashed my mum's favourite vase? We were so scared about what she'd do to us that we stuffed the shattered pieces into the pockets of the first jacket we found in the downstairs closet... A week later she came barging into my room with that broken vase in her hands, the jacket was hers" Edward laughs and I can visualise him wiping tears from the corner of his eyes.

"Ha. Ha. Ha" I say with a robotic tone making sure not to convey an emotion.

"Or that time in 4th grade when you put super glue on Mrs Jones' chair during english and I got blamed for it!" He continues to laugh and all I want him to do his choke.

"Yes. I. Do... Do you remember that time that you abandoned your best friend?" I quip.

I tried! I tried really hard to listen and to let him talk but fuck that!

"Or that time when you DIDNT show up to my mothers funeral?" I add venomously.

"Oh my gosh! I nearly forgot that beautiful memory that still haunts me to this day, that one time you rejected me and stood on the sidelines whilst your friends ridiculed me?" I snarl.

"Could you please just go away and let me suffer in peace, your presence is only making matters worse"  I sigh and rub my temples.

"I'm trying to mend what we had" He almost whines.

"You sitting there... recounting memories of when we were happy is like trying to patch up a punctured artery with a Hello Kitty bandaid, useless as fuck" I laugh emotionlessly.

"I've had it... If you want me to be the heartless monster you're making me out to be, then I'll become your worst night mare!" Edward growls, there's the Eddy we all know and love... to hate.

"One extra week in the Stake!" He adds and storms off.

"What the hell! You can't do that! It's inhumane!" I scream.

"Good thing your not human!" He bellows back before the conversation is brought to an abrupt close with the slamming of a door.
I slam the sole of my foot into wooden wall to imitate the sound.

"Douche-bag" I whisper angrily to myself.

Who ever made up the saying that if a boy is cruel to you really means he likes you is a fucking terrible liar.

My heart rate slows to a comfortable rhythm as I go back to picking at the fraying hem seam of my shirt.

My eyes start to droop and I welcome it...


"LEXI!" Someone screams through the wood and I am ripped from my dream of unicorns and headless Edwards.

"It's Kale..." His voice and proclamation brings a face-splitting smile to my lips, it feels so foreign and almost hurts because I haven't used my smiling muscles for the last few days.

"Kale! Oh my gosh! Please tell me you brought some food!" I beg and I am up and on my knees with my ear pressed flat against the wood.

"Food! Thats all you care about? Not about the handsome hunk of a werewolf holding a Twix bar in his right hand and a bag of Doritos in the other?" He scoffs jokingly.

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