One Day

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 Above image of Kale (Shiloh Fernandez) 


My eyes widen in complete and utter awe as we walk through the steel reinforced gates of our new, hopefully temporary home. There are army green tents made from calico scattered across the green grass that covers the entire ground, children's laughter is carried on the cool breeze, my eyes follow the sound and I see three kids chasing a butterfly, giggling as they fail to catch it. A small smile makes its way onto my face as I watch the display of innocent happiness, reminiscing about the days when Edward and I were that young and we would challenge each other to see who could catch the most fairies, you see we had this crazy belief that pixies would ride butterflies like horses, so we assumed by catching a butterfly with a net we would also capture a fairy.


"Eddy! The orange ones are the town people, the red ones are the princes and the blue ones are the princesses!" I argue with Edward, he shakes his head which causes his curls to tremor, "No! The blue ones are the warriors, the orange are the Ninja's and the red are the cowboys!" We argue about which colour of butterfly corresponds to its rider. Edward reaches forward and yanks on my right piggy tail causing me to cry out in pain, "Eddy! Stop that you poohhead!" I yell at him, my cheeks burn with rage at his childish behaviour, "No! not until you admit that I am right and you are wrong" He giggles and reaches forward to pull on my left piggy tail.

I push him back and he tumbles to the ground, grazing his elbow on the way down and starts to cry, "Don't cry, you baby!" But he continues to wail, I huff in annoyance and reach into my back pocket, "Where does it hurt?" I ask, he stops his crying long enough for him to show me his boo boo. I un-peel the Disney princess bandaid that came from my pocket and smooth it over his graze, "There" I smile at my handiwork, "Kiss it better" Edward insists pushing his elbow into my face, I sigh in defeat as I pucker my lips and peck his plaster covered injury.

A gush of wind lifts up tendrils of my blonde hair and dances with them, they tickle my cheeks and before along I find it annoying and tie them into a messy braid that ends in-between my shoulder blades. My boots kick up pebbles as I walk and I find myself staring helplessly at Edwards broad back, even with a black shirt interrupting my view, I can see his muscles tense and relax as he strides to the medic tent. His left arm is covered in tattoos and it seems that he has started on his left because only a quarter of it is filled, most women would be disgusted by his copious amount of body art but I find it oddly beautiful. His hair is brown and it hasn't changed since the day he rejected me, still messy and untouched but perfect and glossy, my fingers ache to touch and run their way through it but the only thing stopping me are the words that have haunted me for three years, I reject you.

I don't even feel the tear run down my cheek, until Kale's thumb erases it from my skin, my eyes leave Edward's back and connect with Kale's worried eyes, "Are you okay?" He speaks in a soft and hushed tone, I smile and nod my head, "Just being back here with... Him has brought back a lot of unwelcome memories" I whisper, my words hitching at the end. His hand latches onto my cheek and his fingertips lightly brush my neck, "I wont let him hurt you ever again, I promise" His words bring me comfort as I nod, placing my hand over his that still rests on my cheek.

"This is the medical centre, its not much but its..." Edward turns around to see Kale and I's position and his once beautiful eyes glaze over with black and before I know it, Edward has Kale pinned to the ground with his fist repeatedly colliding with his face, "You will not touch what is mine" Edward growls with each bone shattering punch, my eyes widen in terror as I rush to Kale's aid, "Get the fuck off him!" I scream as I spear tackle Edward, but he seemed to have already calculated my move because he throw his hand out and it connects with my stomach, sending me tumbling to the ground, "Don't touch her" Kale snarls with blood stained teeth and lips, Edward's eyes clear of the black fog as he looks to me sprawled out in the dirt, his eyes widen as he rushes over to me, He places both hands on my cheeks and inspects me for injury, "Baby, I'm so sorry, I-I..." He apologises, but the damage is already done, "Don't fucking touch me" I whisper with menace as I bare my growing canines to him, "I didn't mean to hurt you, It's just when I saw him touching you like that, I snapped" He pleads but I'm past the point of forgiveness, "You. Do. Not. Own. Me" I growl before pushing him off me and standing to my feet, I brush off the dirt and step over Edward's crouched form and make my way to Kale.

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