chapter 6 // hooking a whirlwind

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❝ in chaos i found bliss; in mayhem i found an abyss. ❞


it was a sunny, breezy day, the type of days where couples went to beaches and CEOs received calls from clients cancelling their meetings with them, simply out of spite. the types of days where one would sit on a beach, forget to apply sunscreen, and get severe sunburns all over. it was one of those days that looked nice but simply wasn't, and that's exactly what it was for you. the clouds were barely blocking the sun, leaving you to be baked. late in the day, at around 2-3pm, was the hottest; and you were absolutely melting into a puddle; not in the good way, either, and certainly not as a giggly teenage girl melting from romance and hopeful gazes and wishes.

the crew, however, was greatly entertained by their antics, as usual., seemingly either distracted or used to the heat. everyone was crowded by the edge, fishing rods in their hands, struggling to catch any fish. the daily meal and their satisfaction would be completely dependent on how much fish they caught today. 

and naturally, alongside that fact, they were making it a competition. the person that won got to pick the method the fish was cooked for dinner. broiled, boiled, fried, steamed, saute'ing, grilling, baking, poaching... ah, the possibilities were endless! 

your mouth watered at the possibility of grilled fish and ale, along the side of an apple, and you aggressively swung your rod, sending it flying out into the glittering depths. you prayed to god that it would catch a fish and you'd get your preferred fish. you had never quite liked boiled nor steamed fish very much, nor fried fish. too squishy and too oily for your taste; and you were messy. the tendency to get bits and oil all over your outfit tended to keep you far away from messy foods.

also, you just wanted to beat them. for no reason at all. it was just your competitive side speaking and whispering down your ears.

a jolt sent you spiraling out of your thoughts,  and you felt a tug on your rod. "FUCKIN FINALLY," you yelled, pulling hard. all the other pirates looked over in envy, watching you battle against your fishing rod. this was going to be a BIG one!

however, as the fish came out, your smile faded. 

it wasn't what you were expecting; it wasn't a big, juicy, shiny fish. instead, it was a strange, mutant looking fish, purple and yellow green with big splotches of scales missing. its teeth were misaligned, crooked, and rotting straight out of its mouth. its eyes were bulging and white, its cornea looking a pale blue. the fins were all shredded, and it snapped angrily at the air, lashing and whipping in an attempt to reach your throat. well. it was big. you got that part right, right?

"JESUS!!" you let the rod's string loose, sending it back into the waters, and growled in frustration. 3.5 hours of sitting in the blazing sun, getting slinters, and dealing with your still-healing-wound, and you were awarded with a fish straight from a horror show. 

"not so lucky, i see," mused a voice from behind, and you recognized it as your captain, your mr mystery whom you still sought to fight. "it's very unfortunate to watch you suffering." his empathetic words didn't match the small smirk on his face, his hands shielding his eyes from the sun.

"finally emerged from your hole, captain?" you teased, plunking your fishing rod down on deck. you were absolutely done with this. "here to bring me down into the hobbit hole with you?"

yet as you kept the bantering going, his grin only widened, and he leaned in; "maybe i am."

you reeled back, just simply knowing that your mouth was opening and shutting just like that fish you had hooked earlier. you just knew it. 

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