The Psychopath Chapter 3

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Y/N pov:

I tured to see who caught me from falling but when I turned around...I looked into two beautifull dark eyes that felt like it watched straight through my eyes into my soul....Who is he?Damn his eyes is beautiful!!!I was in my thoughts when his grib suddenly tighten and our faces were centimeters away...We were standing there like weirdoes and when I got my strength back I instantly pussed him away

"Thank you....?"I said kinda asking him his name and he gave a chuckle thats so....cute I guess he then said"Jungkook...Me name's Jungkook and its my pleasure...Are you oky Ms.Mathew?"he knows my second name but how?And why does he know it"You must be thinking how I know your second name and why...Jimin told me so that I'll know"jeez is he a mind reader or what?But he is kinda beautifull and has a so innocent smile thats aswell cute:)

"Are you still thinking of something?"jungkook said waving his hands infront of me trying to break me out my thoughts"Umm...No sorry I was just...yha nevermind..."I said as a scratched my nape with an akward smile"Well anyways its nice to meet you Ms.Mathew"jungkook said with a cute smile.He has a dimple and its making him more cute"Umm its nice to meet you to Jungkook"I gave him a smile after I said that"Are you about to go and eat breakfast?"Jungkook asked and I just nodded my head"Lets eat together"he said and I again just nod my head.

He helped me down stairs and showed me to the kitchen.We ate breakfast and then both of us went to freshen up in our own rooms.Yes he showed me where I would be sleeping for a while I first disagree but because he gept on nagging me and did it with his puppy eyes and cute smile I ofcourse agreed by sleeping there for a while...

(Jungkook pov:)

She is acctually kind and beautiful and that over sized T'shirt she's wearing is looking good on her.

If only she knew why she is here and that its not therapy its something else but I should just mind my own business like Jimin said.Her smile is so genuine and bright and her eyes is dreamy.Lets just say she is beautiful and thats all nothing more right Jungkook dont fall for her you know the consequences if you fall for someone that Jimin brings home so I'll just be friends and nothing more.

We were currently eating breakfast and I caught myself stareing at her admiring her beauty'Snap out Jungkook!She belongs to Jimin and Jimin alone she may think she is his therapist but in his eyes she is a submissive and they're gonna fell inlove have kids get married and so much more they're gonna be a family...Acctually no she's just a submissive and nothing more!!!'I mumbled under my breath"Mhh your saying something?"She asked"No I just thought atloud"I said"Oh oky"she said it so gentle what an angle she is.

(Time skipped:A/N)

After they had an playfull argument of Y/N sleeping at their house and Y/N agreed and they freshen up they went back down stairs.It was now almost time for Jimin to come home when Y/N and Jungkook was chattingand playing board games and doing so much more.

They heard the door opening and both of their attention went to the door opening and there was Jimin coming in"Oh Hey bra...How was your day?"Jungkook asked while you just stared at him because of what happend yesterday"Hey Jungkook it was just as the others boring and lots of work to do"Jimin said putting is jacket on the rack he then looked at you"Umm...Jungkook can you maybe give us a minute or two alone?"Jimin asked and Jungkook just nodded his head and went off to another room.

To Be Continued...

Atleast this time I remember to make this chapter sort😊

Q.O.T.D:Is this story so far interesting or just need more drama and tell me what you think of the story so far?

Anyways love yall and enjoy the next chapter

Bye-bye 👋😍

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