The Psychopath Chapter 4

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(Y/N pov:)

He chased Jungkook out and Jungkook didn't even hesitate to say yes."So did you drink the pills?"Oh God I forgot Jungkook kept me so busy that I forgot to drink them..I even didn't feel any pain anymore with Jungkook"Hello!I asked you a question..."he said waving his hands"Umm...Uhhh...Well I-I uhh....."I was thinking of what to say..Yes I did...or..No I forgot"You didn't right🙄I clearly told you to drink the pills and you didn't!!!Looks like that letter was a waste of time!"jimin said as he rolled those eyesand just went upstairs.

I went upstairs and knocked on Jimin's door but as I knocked the door suddenly opend and revealed Jimin's dark room.I looked around to see where he is but he was not in sight he was in the bathroom.I wanted the pills and the letter so that I could drink the pills and keep on reading the letter cuz Im inlove with reading letters as I crept over to his bed cuboard I heard the bathroom door opening when a topless only towel at the bottem Jimin coming out.Omg look at that abs MANN!!!Damn its hot and the wet hair makes it even more hot.Damn Jimin if I knew you look like this with-out clothes I wouldn't hesitate but to have as my own or lets say be more kind.

" Love the view?"he asked breaking me out my thoughts"Umm...M-Mr.Park I-I-I was just here to umm...uhh...get the-e pills and the let-letter."i said making a fool of myself..Whats going on with me???"Uhh I see,then why are you still standing here looking at me and drooling...get a hold of yourself oky!" jimin said as he was rolling his eyes at me"Yes I-Im sorry for disturbing you Mr.Park"why am I stuttering so much is it his hotness or what "Leave now" Jimin said and I just nodded my head,took the pills and letter and walked off.

(Jimin's pov:)

I was in my bathroom and just finished showering to.I opend my door and found Y/N in my room with the shirt I lend her.I had a small smirk seeing her with my shirt makes her looked so tasty,her legs showing with her small cute socks is so hot but as soon as she turned my direction it changed into a cold expression I dont want her to see Im admiring her hot body but her face makes me admire her more.

Her chocolate brown eyes is so dreamy,her pink plumped lips looks good to kiss and her blush makes it even better but then when her smile arrives on her face with the blush its so cute.She was stareing at me like a hungrey dog who see's their food coming so I asked"Love the view?"I felt like laughing at her she is so cute when she blushes

"Umm...M-Mr.Park I-I-I was just here to umm...uhh...get the-e pills and the let-letter"she said biting her lip nervously.Why do I still think its cute when she blushes and stutters.Mann what a cutie..She is indeed"Uhh I see,then why are you still standing here looking at me and drooling...get a hold of yourself oky!"I said while rolling my eyes knowing I should act cold I didn't fall for her I mean its always the way I am with girls they are always so cute when they blush so yha"Yes I-Im sorry for disturbing you Mr.Park"she said looking down and looking so innocent "Leave now"I said in a cold way maybe Im just to cold here.

She left the room with the pills and the letter I wrote.To be honest thats the first letter I wrote for a girl.Maybe its just a new way Imma follow to make her a submissive.

(A/N pov:)

Jimin left the room after he had dressed in casual clothing.Y/N and Jungkook was in the TV room watching a Romantic movie together."Heyy Jungkook...What are you guys watching?"Jimin asked jungkook"A Romantic movie 'Babysitting the CEO'S Son'"Jungkook whispered to Jimin because he didn't want to make niose since Y/N was enjoying the movie so much"Jungkook SHHH!Im trying to listen here.Jungkook just gave a chuckle while patting Y/N on the head.Jimin just rolled his eyes and walked off to the kitchen.

"Jungkook the popcorn is finished can you make us some more?Pleeeeease?Pretty Please jungkookie?"you begged Jungkook while pulling his arm the hole time untill he agreeed and stood up and left to make popcorn for the both of you.

(Jungkook pov:)

I was making popcorn in the kitchen for me and Y/N when Jimin was eating dinner BY HIM SELF!Without me.

"Heyy Jimin can I aske dyou something?"I asked standing against the cupboards where the popcorn bowl was standing"Yha sure Jungkook,feel free to ask"Jimin said as he walked over to the sink to put his plate"So about this thing with Y/N"I said when Jimin said"Yha what about it Jungkook?"he asked me"Well did you get her to you know sleep with you yet?"I asked nervously."Nope not yet but Im gonna try to um seduce her first then I'll get to the psychopath things...Not now she is clearly not ready"jimin said scratching his nape...

Since when is he so kind and not cold wow maybe he changed his attitude a bit since Y/N is here."You out of al people seduce her Y/N she doesn't look like a person who you can seduce easily I mean she morw of a warm and kind person and also lovable and very funny oh and she's soft aswell"I said to Jimin while thinking of Y/N"And how do you know al this?"he asked in a cold way"Well Jimin there is a thing called communicate...Communicate is when you talk to other people and they talk back to you...You know and also there is something like get to know a person by their actions,personality and appearances you know"I said in a sarcastic way"Yha I know Im not born yesterday I was born the 13'th of October 1995 if you remembered..."he said with a frown on his face.

I just rolled my eyes at him and turned to go to Y/N but before I could go Jimin stopped me and said:"Give me advice...t-to um you know seduce her but in the way she will fall or the way you would seduce her..."

Wait what?Since when does he ask me things like this he's the  professional in seducing not me but oky I get it Y/N is not a person you can seduce by Jimin's actions so maybe I could help...a bit

"Hello Jungkook are you still there?"jimin brought me back to earth"Umm..Yha sorry I-I was thinking of something...What was it you asked?"I said scratching my nape."HOW DO I SEDUCE HER???"damn jimin chill man "Well take her on a date for a few times take her to the movies,to dinner,suprise her with gifts,act more warm and kind,offer her things,take her shopping,be over protective and then have your first kiss and dont make that first kiss into something else...Umm be there for her when she needs you...fisit her at her house you know stuff like that...."

Damn I didn't know I can think of stuff like that..To seduce a girl in a romantic way..Wow Jungkook Im proud of you:)

"OKAY is that all nothing else?"jimin asked in a cold way"Yes and then again change that attitude of yours oky?"I said as if Im his dad now "Yes yes I know no need to act like my parents"he said rolling his eyes "JUNGKOOKIE WHERE ARE YOU AND THE POPCORN?!"our conversation was broke by Y/N who's calling for me"Yes im coming Y/N'ie"I walked of just nodding my head in goodbye to jimin as he just stared at me in a annoyed way.

Hey my readers are yall doing fine?Yho guys Im eating to much these days I can feel and see it mann!!!

Q.O.T.D:do you prever to be big or small by weight?

Anyways enjoy the next chapter my lovies💖

Bye-bye 👋💕

Oh and the movie they watched 'Babysitting The CEO's Son' is a story I read on wattpad its very interesting so I said its a movie😁🤭🤭💖💕👋
Read that story its cool

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