Hank And Dawn

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I put in some money on a motel room with Dick the night before, and knowing him, he didn't want me to pay anything

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I put in some money on a motel room with Dick the night before, and knowing him, he didn't want me to pay anything. But, now we're back on the road heading to his old friends' house he said "Wouldn't mind you staying with them for a bit." But something kept telling me something would happen, Rachel was happy to meet new people, so I tried not to be anxious for her. "I know what you're thinking, and everything is going to be fine. I wouldn't bring you here if I didn't trust them." He said and I sighed. "Okay, I'm trusting you on this Dick," I said as I lit a cigarette. "Those things can kill you, you know." He said and I took a drag of it. "I know, but monsters heal quickly," I said looking out the window. "You're not a monster, neither of you are monsters." He said and I nodded, "Sure, keep saying that." I said still staring out the window.

Soon, we arrived and Hank and Dawn's loft. We walked inside the building and took the elevator to the top floor. My hands started to get clammy and I became uncomfortable. "Hey, It's alright Rose," Rachel said grabbing my hand. "Something bad's going to happen, I can feel it, Rach," I said looking at her. She sighed "You need to learn to trust people again Rosya." She scolded as we walked out of the elevator. We walked down the hallway to the front door of an apartment. He knocked on it a few times until a woman with super blonde hair opened the door. "Dick, what are you doing here?" She asked and I hit him on the shoulder. "It's rude to come to someone's house uninvited Dick," I whisper and he just glared at me.

 "Who is it, babe?" I heard and man in the background, before a buff guy came up to the door. "Oh, Jesus, long time no see boy wonder." He said with a smirk and then looked at us. "What's with the kids?" He asked with this weirdish look on his face. "I'll explain, can we come in?" Dick asked and they moved out of the way. But, on my way in my hand brushed against Dawn and I accidentally saw Dick and her once VERY active sex life. "Sorry," I said to her before looking at Rachel with wide eyes. We sat on the couch, while the adults argued about us. "I think Dick's trying to make us stay with them," I said, it was just a hunch, but I just had this feeling. "He wouldn't do that would he?" She said looking at me with furrowed brows.

After they had done arguing, Dawn came into the living room. "Do you girls want to go out somewhere, like, out to eat, or shopping?" She asked and we looked at each other "Hell yeah!" I said yanking Rachel up off the couch. "Okay, let go then!" Dawn said smiling at us. Rachel nudged my arm, "What are you doing?" She whispered as we walked with dawn outside. "Learning to trust people again," I whispered back and she smiled.

Rachel and I got to know Dawn, she's sweet and fun to be around, it felt like she was the older sister I never had. It felt like I could trust her, I think Rachel felt that way too.

We went to lots of shops and went out to eat later, also I begged her to buy a bottle of wine just for us, minus Rachel since she's 16. After a lot of begging, she got the bottle. Now it's time for us to go back to their Apartment, it was fun to get out for once.

When we got there we were smiling and holding multiple bags of junk. "Go put those bags on the table," Dawn said and we went into the dining room. I mean, it didn't look like one. "Come to Mama," I said as I took the wine bottle out. "You're so childish," Rachel said, and I raised an eyebrow at her. "Childish, I'm holding alcohol in my hand," I stated matter of factly. Rachel rolled her eyes and at this time Dick Came into the house. That just set Hank off, "What's this? Hm, Dick?" I heard Hank say as we walked into the living room. "You weren't supposed to see that," Dick said and Hank scoffed. "And why the hell is that?! It's got our names on it, Grayson!" He yelled, "You were planning on paying us to look after some kids that are YOUR responsibility! That's just fucked up." He continued.

"Dick, what is he talking about?" I asked as I felt my heartbeat in my throat. "Nothing-" "No, Dick, Not nothing, they should know considering you selling them to us!"  He said tossing the envelope to me. It was full cash. "Rosya, it's not what you think," Dick said on guard. "Nah, it looks like what I think it is. I was stupid to think I could trust you." I said looking at Rachel, she was on the verge of tears. "Look at that, your personality matches your name, Dick, your making the little one cry!" Hank said shoving him back roughly. "Don't touch me," Dick said shoving him back.

That's how the fight started. "Stop!" Rachel tried to stop them "Dick, Stop it!" Rachel tried again, but I was starting to get pissed off. "She said stop!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, making the windows around us shatter. I used my telekinesis, to shove both of them against opposite walls. "Rose!" Dawn exclaims with her hand over her mouth. I let them go and went to grab the wine bottle. "Rose, wait!" I heard Rachel say as I locked myself in the bathroom.

I lost control again, and I didn't want to. I just— Get mad. I downed the whole Bottle of wine. I sat in the tub and drank away my problems. But I was too drunk to notice what was happening outside of the bathroom. Until they came bursting into the bathroom looking for me.

Word Count: 1030

Episode two- Hawk and Dove

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