Chapter 12: "You killed me"

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Splinter's satisfied smile spread across his face and met his eyes as he watched Mikey shovel ramen into his face. Raph, Splinter, Leo, and the other Mikey all sat around the table, a steaming bowl of ramen sitting in front of each one of them. The room was cluttered and boxes still sat around but Splinter always felt at home when cooking there. Raph was enjoying his ramen but his eyes stayed glued to the others at the table, constantly trying to gauge their reactions and moods. 

Leo sat with one of his elbows on the table holding the weight of his head as his other hand stirred the noodles around in the bowl absentmindedly. Leo felt uncomfortable to say the least. The situation wasn't one Leo ever thought he'd be in; eating ramen with another universe's version of his dead brother while his father and eldest brother ate seemingly unbothered by anything that was happening. Leo felt almost hurt by how happy Splinter looked. Why couldn't Splinter look this happy when he spent time with Leo? Splinter had been miserable for the past few weeks, but now he looked so happy, was it Leo? Leo worried his presence around his father just wasn't enough, enough to make him happy. The thoughts were making him feel sick, the idea he wasn't enough for his father made his stomach churn uncomfortably. 

Mikey hummed in satisfaction as he slurped up the last of the noodles in the bowl. He enjoyed his own cooking for sure, but this was another level of cooking, of seasoning, of taste! and it made Mikey's eyes water with pure joy, he hadn't enjoyed something this good in weeks, months? he couldn't remember. He quickly lifted the bowl to gulp down the broth. When he was certain the bowl was empty he slammed it back down on the table and let out a content sigh. "bro that was so good!" Mikey squealed, his hands curling into fists and tucking under his chin as his legs kicked back and forth under the table. 

Splinter felt proud of his choice of recipe now as he watched Mikey express his content with the food he had consumed. He hopped down from his chair, walking around the table to Mikey as he said, "Oh my child, let me get you some more" 

Leo's eye twitched, 'my child'? this other Mikey wasn't Splinter's child, Leo was Splinter's child! Tet he couldn't have been damned to be this present for Leo when Leo was grieving, when he had locked himself in his room for a week, when Leo didn't come home for nights, when Leo was sobbing himself silly.

Leo stood up hastily, his bowl only half finished. The eyes in the room were on him. Usually he would enjoy the attention, but not right now, not when he felt like curling up in bed and crying himself to sleep. He kept his head down and walked around the table to stand by the counter next to Splinter. He opened the cabinet above him and pulled out a thermos, grabbing the serving utensil and portioning out some ramen into the cup before twisting the lid on. "I'm taking Donnie his" He said flatly before leaving the kitchen. 

Splinter's brows furrowed with concern as he watched his son leave. He wanted to ask his son to stay, to finish his bowl, to talk to him. But what right did he have? He hadn't been there for his sons when they needed him, and now he expected Leo to listen to anything he said? He released a sigh and turned back to getting Mikey another bowl. 

Leo sniffled as he clutched the thermos in his hands. Leo felt It was such a stupid thing to be upset about, but he was still upset, he couldn't help it. Leo just wanted to sit with his twin for a bit. 

He scratched at the rough texture of the outside of the thermos. He hoped talking to Donnie would help him feel better, Donnie would understand why Leo was upset. Whenever Leo tried to express the resentments he held against their father to Raph, Raph always had some form of defense for Splinter. But when Leo spoke with Donnie about negative feeling pertaining to their father, Donnie was understanding of Leo's hurting. Donnie felt it too after all, the gut twisting understanding that they'd never be their father's first choice. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2023 ⏰

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