006: veracity

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I stared at the front door for what felt like hours, I was waiting.. Waiting for jisung to come back through the front door and to explain how this was all somehow false, how the presidents house hadn't been looted, how this was all a prank.

I anticipated someone anyone informing me that changbin was safe that changbin was alive, not too badly injured at least.. But who?

Whod be willing to give me such sort of information, the only person who does give me any sort of insight regarding the deputy department is han jisung and as of right now he thinks I'm the murderer, and why wouldn't he? I'm no less then.

I blink a few times before I avert my gaze to my brothers room.. Lee know

Lee know had a gun somewhere in his room right..? I need to go. I need to go and see if changbins alive for myself. Maybe jisung will inform me but I'm an impatient man and I need to know how changbin is doing this very instant.

I take in a deep breath before I start walking over to my brothers room, these doors creak and I don't plan on waking him up somehow I manage to open the door only to an extent which allows me to enter his room and leave without much trouble. I have my own guns but those have my fingerprints on them.. If by chance I were to get caught they'd know my whereabouts in less then a day.

Lee know's rifle hasn't been used in a long while and whenever he does use it he washes it off with alcohol to get rid of any incriminating evidence, I'll wear gloves.

I tip toe across his bedroom to his fancy drawers and I start rummaging through each one, I almost gave up but then I suddenly spotted the gun, it was in a ziplock bag, I grab a hold of the ziplock bag and I carefully close up his drawer, I make sure to remain as silent as possible while leaving the room.

I return from my own room with black gloves on and I take the rifle out, do I go out with these clothes..? What am I saying I'm wasting precious time.

I throw on my black boots and grab a mask to cover my face, I can't risk getting caught, I grab my keys and bolt out the door, I start running to wards changbins house.

I keep on running, every second that passed by felt like an hour I wasn't moving fast enough but what to do I can't risk having anyone see my cars plate number. My chest heaves as I keep on running I'm slowly running out of Breath but no.. I can't stop I need to get there.

I need to get to him.
Jisung reached the presidents house sooner then expected, he noticed how their were two ambulances near the exit of the gate and numerous police cars of various departments surrounded the house,he managed to tell two out of ten cars were belonging to his own department.

He stepped closer, there were few passerbys who had also taken interest in the situation of the presidents house, jisung was assuming that the new outlets had already announced everything that's going on as of right now.

As he got closer he saw that the entrance was covered from head to toe by yellow police tape, of course id be.
He went through the gate and upon being stopped and being told to go back and showed the officer his ID. They let him in.

The house was a MESS to say the least, he spotted the presidents family his wife and his.. Son? They were being escorted out to go to the hospital he wanted to approach them to get to know what happened but nows not the time, he needs to gather evidence that'll led to the criminal.

He thought of how Felix could've brought himself to do this, he didn't know that was Felix was a murderer but he knew that if Felix was to be behind this murder he wouldn't tell his department either way, silently he hoped that I'd be someone else as he went up the stairs.

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