Chapter 2

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"uh yeah uhm mind if I ask who are you" Jake said while he looks to me
"who do you think I am, Sully ?" I questioned
"uh call me Jake please uhm and I have no idea" at least he answered honestly
"I'm Vineya Augustine" I said not really caring
"It's a pleasure to meet you Ms Augustine" Norm snapped
"uh yeah whatever, call me Vineya , come I show you guys your room" such weirdos I thought to myself

(conversation between norm and Vineya)

"That's a Na'vi name right?" Norm asked me
"yes that's correct Norm. Any other questions or not?" I asked I wasn't really in the mood to talk but I just wanted it to end as fast as possible
"well yes how long have you been here?" he asked his next question
"I've been here since I was little. I grew up with the Na'vi. Question for you, how is earth? Is it like here or different?"
"Uhm way more different. Uhm kinda like our base here, A lot of electronic, cars, a lot of people, uh, there is hardly any bare nature. Pretty sad I would say "
"hm well I will see it someday anyway. I won't be here forever"
"mind I ask why?"
"Well, someday I'll have to go back whenever I like it or not."
"do you think this is your home?
"well kind of I guess. This is all I know. And I'm not mad about it"
"well it will be hard right, but do you have friends at the Omaticaya clan?"
I frose I didn't expect that question
"uh did I said something wrong? If I did I apologize. I'm just curious "
"no it fine. I had friends there. We were close to the clan before it was forbidden"
"Do you miss them?"
"I did but..." I stopped, sometimes it's still hard to talk about it "not anymore"  with that I finished my sentence. The three of us were silent.

My mother and I show them there workplace and there avatars. My mother and me were outside in our Avatar bodys waiting for the newbies. It didn't take to long till they were here. I distant myself, I left. I don't want to speak or see either of them. I walk in the gut where all avatar bodys are at night. I lay on the bed and end up sleeping.

"your really awkward Vineya" he said while he played in the gras next to me
"huh just as you Tsu'tey, look at you, looking more like a child then a teenager" I said while turning my head to him
"hey! That was rude-"
"but the truth. I wish I was more like you guys" I said as I interrupted him
"maybe you will, remember you'll get your avatar once your eighteen. Then your not so small anymore" he said while he let out a giggle
"ha ha funny, I'm not that small" I said sarcastic
"well you have the height of a little child"
"I bet that I will be taller than you once I have my avatar, Tsu'tey!"
"I only believe that when I see you" he said with a smile on his face
"you will in a couple of years" I said while smiling back

I woke up swetting again. I sait up. Holding my head in my hands. Eywa damit this dreams will be the death of me. How am I suppose to concentrate when I can't even sleep properly. I'm so done with this shit. In this moment the other avatars came in. Oh great mother... I woke up in the Link

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