Chapter 8

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"Neytiri your also here with this demon?" Tsu'tey asks
"yes he has to learn as well" she said to Tsu'tey
"well then let's see who has better skills" Tsu'tey said like it was a bet. I roll my eyes and look to Jake
"You're doing it wrong" I said as I corrected his position "There, now it should work"
"Oh thank you Vineya"
"don't thank, shoot" he didn't made it to bad, but he could have done better.
I also began to shoot again this time i got the bullseye.
"wow Vineya how did you do that?" Jake asks impresst
"concentrate, Focus and shoot." I said while shoot the next narrow next to the bullseye. "Just don't get distracted Sully" I said and looked at him.
"ok I guess I'll teach you something else demon" Tsu'tey said to me, I nodded and he left with me

On the way he bagan to talk with me
"so why you here?"
"because of Neytiri"
"I know that. But what did you do here" he ask. I don't understand why he ask me questions. Like he hates me
"saving Sully's ass" I sad cold like almost everything
"from what?" he ask me again
"From a Thanator" I said not caring
"is this why you went to Tsahìk?"
"yes, why do you care?"
"... I don't. I'm just asking why you are here again."
"did- did you miss us?" he asks nervous
"no" I lied
"but you were the necklace"
"ok? So? It's a necklace?"I said like I did not  care, but I know it was just an akt
"but I gave this to you" his voice soften a bit
"ok and?" i try to over play it
"you don't care anymore?"
"if I would I probably would have reakt different" i lied again
"hm" I know he was hurt from that but I didn't care. Not anymore. Too much happened between us. And I just want to forget about it. I still remember his hurtful words

"you are the worst person I ever meet! You are no friend! You and your people are evil! You should go away and never come back! I never want to see you again! Never! You are murders!"

"then why are you here?"
"Sully and my mother"
"hm. You are going to learn how to ride a pa'li." he said as he show me an pa'li. He was male. I got on his back and he bagan to explain
"The bond Tsaheylu. This is Aru' he is male. You have to feel his heartbeat, his breath, his strong Muscle"
"I know that big nose"
"ok then ride"

I did the bond and held on tight. In my mind, I said: How he should go. At first he was slow, then I let him go faster until we galloped. It was difficult to stay on it all the time, but it was good for me. I rode back to Tsu'tey but then I fell off.
"arg shit!" I yelled out frustrated
"do it again" he told me. And so I did two more times till I got it. I sat on Aru' and ask Tsu'tey "Impresst huh?" I said with a big grinn on my face
"not bad, now repeat." he said
"Oh come on. I did a good job can't we do something else?" I ask him
"no you will repeat. And here put your legs like this, then you will have it less difficult to stay on him" he said as he corrected the position of my legs. I watch him as he did. He looked more calm than before.
And then I repeat and repeat. Thill he said I should shoot while I ride on a pa'li. It was so difficult and I fallen off so many times but in the end I got it. I did it. I ride to him and He nodded at me. We walked back.
"you did ok. But you can do better. Tomorrow you will do better than today. I will push you to your limits." he told me
"Come on, you can at least admit that I did a good job. Unlike Sully... He didn't do good at all" I told him.
"well you were better than him but still not good enough. Tomorrow you will learn with the other children I train. You will see if you are that good" he said and I already knew I had no choice
"Damm you!" I cursed
He giggled as I cursed. I just shake my head. I didn't even realize that we were back at the clan. We had dinner and I went in my hammock. As I woke up in my link I saw Jake and my mother
"uh yes?" I ask
"help him with the language after dinner" my mother ordered.
I roll my eyes and nodded. We ate dinner, it was aktually good I mean a medium rare steak with some Rosemary potatoes was just goodness. I think I ate like two plates of that. Then I took Jake in my room and learned with him the basics. Till Trudy ran in my room.
"ahhhhhh omg I knew it!!!!" she screamed
"Trudy what the hell? What is going on?" I ask her curious
"I knew you had something with Jake!!! You guys are so cute. But since when?"
"since never, Im teaching him the language, not more" I said eyes rolling. She giggles

Hey guys so im not really motivated to write and also i dont have any ideas. Im verry sorry but i cant write more parts in the moment. I hope you are not mad and merry Christmas 🎅🏻❄️☃️

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