Chapter 2 "What in the unholy fuck...?"

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"We're fucked."


Vivienne nods, pointing the camera at the place and walking towards the door, waiting for you to follow. You both pry the door open, coughing as a cloud of dust hits you both in the face.
Vivienne waves the dust away with her hand, squinting her eyes to try and see in the dark.
"Here-" You say, tossing her a flashlight and grabbing one for yourself, turning it on and pointing it around in an attempt to get some sort of sense of direction.
"Thanks." She says in a hushed whisper pointing the infrared camera around.
You both walk around the main room, Vivienne tripping over the bleachers which causes you to yelp before both of you break out into laughter. "You scared the shit out of me Viv-!" You say between laughs, pointing the camera at her giggling self on the floor.
She laughs, standing up and dusting herself off. "My bad-" She says almost mischievously, sitting down on the bleachers. "Let's set up the spirit box-" She says with a chuckle.
You nod, pulling off your backpack and turning on the spirit box, setting it down in front of you and turning it on, cringing at the loud static sound.
Vivienne glances at you and then sets the camera down, setting it up so you and her are in view.
You both take a deep breath before Vivienne speaks up. "Is there anyone here with us?" She asks clearly, staring at the spirit box. Both of you sat in awkward silence as there was no response.
"Maybe we should introduce ourselves-" You say with a shrug. "I wouldn't want to talk to some random ghost hunters that broke into my place." You say with a small chuckle which causes Vivienne to quickly nod.
"Hello, I'm Vivienne, and this is Y/N. We just want to speak with you, to uh- spread your story." She says with an unsure look, not sure what to say.
You nod, glancing down as your ears filled with the loud static of the spirit box.
"This is a spirit box, if you use the energy from it you can communicate with us." You say clearly, looking around and taking in your environment.
You both sit in silence before you finally hear a male voice erupt from the static. "Me and-" the spirit box says, almost too slurred to understand.
You and Vivienne share a glance, looking back at the box. "You and who?" Vivienne asks Loudly, looking around.
Both you and Vivienne freeze, hearing footsteps in the distance, quickly turning the spirit box off and looking around. Vivienne quickly picks up the camera and points it at you.
"You heard that?" She whispers, which only earns a nod from you.
You slowly stand up, glancing at Vivienne and pulling out an EMF reader, holding it out and glancing at the colors, hoping they'll light up.
"Let's head to another room." You mumble, looking at Vivienne. She nods, quickly following you as you both look around, finding a set of stairs.
You couldn't shake the feeling you were being watched, but shrugged it off, hoping it was just Vivienne.


After a few minutes of wandering around the place you and Vivienne pry open the door to a bedroom, Vivienne letting out a small yelp as a bat flew over her head, earning a laugh from you.
"Scaredy cat." You say with a chuckle as she shoots a glare at you, holding up the camera.
You both look around the dark bedroom, wafting away some of the dust.
"We should sleep here tonight, we can set up camp here." You mumble, glancing at Vivienne.
"Yeah, let me set my stuff down-" She says, cut off by two sets of running footsteps going past the door, both of you let out a small gasp, staring at each other.
"What the hell was that-?" Vivienne asks the camera, setting her stuff on the bed.
"Probably just an animal... hopefully." You mumbled, hoping it wasn't an actual person.
"Mhm." Vivienne hums in response, glancing at her camera. "M-my camera died-?" She said in a confused stutter, pulling out a battery and putting it in the camera.
"Wasn't it fully charged?" You ask, tilting your head.
"Yeah, it was at like 60%..." She mumbles, turning the camera back on.
You nod, sitting on the bed next to Vivienne and turning the spirit box back on.
"Is there anyone who wishes to communicate?" You ask calmly, occasionally glancing at the dark doorway of the room.
You and Vivienne sit in silence until a loud male voice erupts from the spirit box. "I.. ran." The voice shouts through the static.
Vivienne glances at you before looking back at the spirit box.
"That was you running?" She asks, glancing back at you. "It sounded like two people though-"
"Yeah, it was definitely more than one." You respond with a confident nod.
The spirit box speaks up again. "Cheese." The box says clearly which earns a confused look from you and a laugh from Vivienne.
"Fuckin' cheese-?" You respond with a chuckle, looking at Vivienne.
As soon as you speak a deeper male voice speaks. "No.. I'm not." It says, clearly aggravated.
"Are they... arguing-?" You mumble, looking at Vivienne who is too busy trying to hold in a laugh.
"I think so-" She says with a snicker.
You and Vivienne sit in silence as the spirit box turns itself off, you both stare at each other.
"Damn, guess they wanted to bicker in private." Vivienne says to the camera with a laugh.
I glanced at my watch, seeing that only an hour passed, it was around 10pm.
"We should catch a power nap, then continue-" You say quickly, glancing at Vivienne.
She nods, "Yeah, let me set up the camera." She says with a yawn, setting the camera up in front of the bed, pointing at where you two were going to sleep.
Vivienne quickly shed herself of her jacket and removed her shoes, laying down in the bed and looking at her phone.
"Damn, no service.." She mumbled as you took your sweater and shoes off.
"Really-? Could've sworn we had service outside of the church." You mumbled laying down next to Vivienne, both of you snuggling into the blankets with a content sigh.
"This is pretty comfortable for being in a satanic church." Vivienne said with a laugh.

After a few minutes, both of you quickly fell asleep. Although, this quickly ended when you shot up out of your sleep, turning to see the silhouette of a head quickly disappearing from the doorway.

"What in the unholy fuck...?"

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