Chapter 4 "No one told me it was Halloween-"

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"What the fuck is a Ghoul-?"


You and Vivienne just stare in awe, trying to make out features on the three men's faces.
"Ghouls?" Vivienne mutters in a questioning tone.
"Yes, Ghouls." The tallest one says calmly, tilting his head. "Demons, from hell- or what we like to call the pit." He says quietly, folding his hands behind his back.
I awkwardly glance at the door, raising my hand to the back of my head. "Uh, can we leave?"
The shorter one straightens up. "Wha-? No, you can't just see a Ghoul and casually walk outta here-!" He yells, crossing his arms. Normally we're supposed to kill ya." He says with a mischievous tone.
"Sodo, quit trying to scare them-" The taller says sternly.
"Oh, shut up Mountain-" The short one says with a snicker.

"Swiss, Sodo and Mountain... weird fuckin' names-" You thought to yourself, glancing up at Mountain.
"So, can we leave-?" You mumble, glancing at Vivienne.
Mountain pauses and glances at Sodo and Swiss.
"Perhaps we should inform Papa." He says to the two other Ghouls, leaving me and Vivienne giving each other questioning glances.
Sodo shrugs and Swiss nods.
"Yeah, sounds like a good idea." Swiss mutters, leaning against the wall.
You slightly tug on Vivienne's sleeve, almost like making sure she was still there, she turns and smiles at you.
"We'll be fine, don't worry Y/N." She says with a sweet smile, tilting her head as she playfully nudges your shoulder.
"Mhm." Is all that manages to escape your throat.
You glance around, looking at the sun rising in through the windows, leaving you questioning how long you had been there.
You and Vivienne awkwardly stood there, not sure what to do.
Mountain glances at Swiss.
"Swiss, go tell Papa, me and Sodo we'll watch these two." Mountain says calmly, turning towards you and Vivienne.
Swiss nods and quickly disappears into the darkness.


After a while of awkward silence Mountain spoke up. "So, what are your guy's names?" He asks sweetly, tilting his head, still only a silhouette in the darkness.
"I'm Vivienne." Vivienne says with a small smile, nudging me.
"Oh, Y/N." I say quickly, leaning against the wall.
"Nice." Mountain says with a nod.
He steps forward, finally showing up, he was wearing a silver mask that resembled a demon, and was wearing all black. Vivienne acted indifferent, as I tilted my head.
"No one told me it was Halloween-" You say sarcastically which causes Vivienne to smack you in the back of the head. "Ow-!?"
"Be nice, Y/N-" She says, annoyed, turning towards Mountain. "Sorry about them, they don't go outside much." She says with a smile.
I smack her in the back of the head as revenge. "Says the one who messages AI all day-" You yell back.
She flushed red frim embarrassment, tackling you. You both go rolling, half fighting and half laughing.
Mountain just stares with a slightly concerned look as he raises his hand to the back of his neck awkwardly.
We finally stop, laughing as we both end up on the floor, we sit up, nudging each other playfully before looking back up at Mountain like nothing happened. The shorter Ghoul, Sodo had just been staring in slight disgust.

✧Ghoul Hunting✧ (Sodo x reader)Where stories live. Discover now