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'' The last time i saw ... was ..." (9-19-23) 

                                     The last time i saw my cousins was years ago. I barley can remember our times together. They are vague and faded, lost in the piles of new memories. We were close, but never as close as family should be. Once i moved away to another state, i could see them slipping away from the bond we once had, feeling saddened from losing some of the people i called the closest to me.   

                    Then when my mom died, I never really saw them again. Going through a traumatic event and then never getting the support needed puts you in a state of helplessness. The last time i saw them, was probably at least four years ago. We were at my grandfather's lake house and they barley talked to me, proceeding to make me feel extremely unwelcomed. But i still stayed. I still expressed my gratitude for the family members that showed none back. That was the last time i saw my cousins, and that will be the last time i show any appreciation to the people i call my blood. 

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