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My eyes
"What about your eyes?" you may ask
Well a lot of people tell me that it's so pretty
It is like a moon shinning brightly

And oh those complements
Oh how i love to hear them but at the same time hate it
"Hate it?"
"How could you hate a complement?"

Questions like this must be wondering in your mind
It is because for the fact that they love it but don't understand it
So how could they love it?
That kind of question is still wondering in my mind

Now i ask myself
Will that question be ever answer?
Or will it just remain unaswered?
What a great doubt indeed

I always doubt myself and others for what they truly feel
Like i am right now confused what to say and feel
When they call me pretty
But for i know the fact that it is just a lie

Now i feel pity for myself
For the fact that I feel like they just forcing themselves
Saying those words to make me feel better
But all I could feel is bitter

Oh what a lovely society we live in
Doubt and lies spreading everywhere
Not knowing which is which
Not knowing what is true and fake

In a world full of judgement
It is hard to open up now... even a little
Don't know if they are real or fake
So i also fake a smile and give it a shot

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