The wedding ring the slythren boys would get you

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Got a real diamond ring

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.Got a real diamond ring
.Wanted it to stand out
.new you would like it


wanted it to be like your promise ring

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.wanted it to be like your promise ring
.Had real diamond on it
.Let you pick a style


wanted it to be gold so it stood out

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.wanted it to be gold so it stood out
.real gold
.real diamond


it was a family ring

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.it was a family ring
.asked if you wanted a different one
.would be a-bit hurt if you did because he thought he would make more wrong choices for you


let you pick it

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.let you pick it
.didn't care about the price
.took a long time to find


his mom gave him his Grandma's

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.his mom gave him his Grandma's
.got you a different one if you wanted
.didn't care if you wanted a new one it wouldn't hurt him.


wanted a big diamond

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.wanted a big diamond
.spent more on that than your house but didn't tell you.
.if he found out it wasn't a real diamond he would get a new one (it was diamond tho)

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