Chapter 12

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Once I was dressed for the day Paige and I made our way down to find Lisa to see if we could help her with anything.

"Prudence, you can help me by doing whatever you did with that plant in the library to the rest of the plants around the house. I just haven't had time." Lisa said as I nodded.

Following Lisa into the library I noticed nearly on every surface was a dead plant. "It might take a while." Lisa admitted.

"It was interesting watching you "re-alive" the past 5 plants but I am gonna go into town and fetch some things since you aren't able to join." Paige said leaving Lisa and I.

"How many plants and flowers do you have?" I asked, looking around at the other poorly treated plants.

Around lunch time Lisa fixed a sandwich for us as her husband Goerge joined us and brought a couple of dead plants from his own office.

Once I was done I began to help Lisa place the different flowers and plants around her large home.

I glanced over and saw the light blue shawl  she wore drifted off her shoulder exposing some of their shoulder.

"What is this scare from?" I asked and before thinking I let my fingers graze across her shoulder blade.

"Nothing. I believe it is time for me to start supper. I shall let you finish putting these plants up." She said in an rush.

While I took my time I began to think of the large scar on her shoulder blade until it was drilled into my mind.

Walking into the kitchen I found Lisa slaving over a hot stove as she wiped sweat from her brow.

"Are you like me?" I questioned as I walked closer towards her.

"I have no idea what you are talking about." She ignored my comment as she continued to stir a pot of soup.

"Please, Lisa." I said resting my hand on her arm.

I watched as she placed the lid back onto the pot and turned towards me.

Sighing, "My husband removed my mark long ago. Once he did, I hid and refused to use my gift." She admitted as she sat down.

"You are a little girl from George's story. It's your book I am reading." I said as she nodded.

"George found me beaten and bruised outside of one of the pubs in town. He hid me away and helped me hide my true identity. After that I did everything I could to blend in to the people around me." Lisa said as a tear slipped down her worn cheek.

"I am sorry that happened to you." I said as she turned her face towards me.

"Don't feel pity for me little girl. You are much stronger than I could have ever imagined myself to become. Don't stop in the mission God has given you. Yes I have enjoyed my small life with George but I constantly wonder what would happen if I had put my own worries aside and let the Lord lead me. But it is too late for me." Lisa said, letting her head fall into her hands.

"Lisa, like I told Ralph last night, there is nothing you can do that would make the Lord above not care or cherish you. You are his beloved."

I said as she slowly turned her face towards me. After a moment of silence I heard the door swing open to reveal Paige rushing into the house.

Opening my mouth to welcome Paige to come have a seat, I quickly closed it as she made a mad dash up the stairs.

"That was odd." Lisa said as I nodded my agreement.

Before I had time to excuse myself to go check on her, I heard the door open once more with Leo and Henry making their way into the small kitchen.

"You boys better stop right there!" I heard Lisa say as she stood and walked over to the two men standing before us.

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