Part 65: A Room

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In the dim glow of emergency lighting, Tess led Killian, Miguel, and Alanna down a narrow hallway lined with antique paintings, their eyes weary and alert. The air felt thick, as if it carried the weight of every whispered fear and unanswered question.

"Are you sure this is the best course of action?" Tess asked hesitantly, her voice barely above a whisper. "I mean, shotguns?"

"Better safe than sorry," Killian replied, his usual charm edged with a hint of steel.

Alanna shook her head, her expression tense. "Killian, we should consider other options before resorting to guns."

"Like what? Knitting needles?" he scoffed.

"Violence isn't always the answer," Alanna countered, her voice firm despite the uncertainty surrounding them.

As they reached the room where the shotguns were stored, Preston and Helena appeared in the doorway, their faces etched with concern. Preston surveyed the group, his eyes meeting Killian's.

"Killian's right," he said, surprising Alanna. "We need to be prepared for whatever comes our way."

"Thank you," Killian nodded, relief flickering across his face. Together, they retrieved the shotguns, the weight of the weapons a grim reminder of the danger lurking in the shadows.

Tess stepped away from the group, her brow furrowed in thought. "The fuses are fine," she announced, biting her lip. "Someone must have cut power to the entire island."

"Then let's get that generator up and running," Preston decided, his voice steady even as his heart raced.

As they moved to leave, a creak echoed through the Manor. Every muscle tensed, and the group gripped their weapons tighter, ready to face whatever nightmare awaited them. Instead, Braeden emerged from the darkness, his eyes wide with shock.

"Where's Helena?" he demanded, his voice shaking. "I came back when I didn't see her on the boat."

"Right here," Helena replied, stepping forward with a weary smile. "Thank you for coming back."

"Islanders sticks together," he murmured, relief washing over him as they began to regroup and formulate a plan to restore power and protect their own.

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