Part 97: A Family

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"Helena, I promise you, I'm done with all of that," Preston said, his eyes searching for understanding in Helena's tearful gaze. "I chose life with you over death."

In a burst of adrenaline-fueled determination, Helena hurled her piece of broken glass across the room and grabbed a nearby telescope, using it to shatter the glass door. With shards crunching beneath her feet, she sprinted outside, her heart pounding in her chest.

"Helena, wait!" Preston shouted as he chased after her, but she didn't look back.

She raced towards a garage on the property, desperate for any kind of refuge. As she entered the dimly lit space, her eyes fell upon Braeden, bound tightly to a support beam. His face was bruised, and his eyes met hers with a mixture of relief and fear.

"Helena!" Braeden choked out, but before they could exchange another word, Preston caught up, his breath ragged from the pursuit. He yanked Helena away from the garage, dragging her back outside.

"Please, Preston! Let him go!" Helena sobbed, struggling against his iron grip.

"I saved him, Helena. Brandt wanted him dead, and I convinced him otherwise," Preston defended himself, his voice strained. "The police will think we're all dead. I planted blood samples to make sure of it."

"Wh-why did you keep him alive?" Helena asked, her voice trembling.

"Because I needed an accomplice for Brandt, someone who's seen you. Braeden fits the bill." Preston explained coldly.

Refusing to accept defeat, Helena made a break for it once more, but Preston anticipated her move. He seized her by the arm and dragged her back to the house, locking her inside a small bedroom.

"Let me out, Preston!" Helena screamed, her voice hoarse from the strain. She looked around the room, desperate for any means of escape. Spotting a nail protruding from the wall, she yanked it free and attempted to pick the lock on the door, but her trembling hands couldn't manage the task.

As the minutes ticked by, Helena's hope began to wane, and anger surged within her – anger at Preston for betraying her trust, anger at herself for not seeing through his lies sooner, and above all, anger at the sickening thought of Braeden suffering at the hands of Preston.

Helena paced the confines of the small room, her heart thudding in her chest and her thoughts racing. The door creaked open, revealing Preston's twisted grimace.

"Good news," he began with a bitter sarcasm. "Braeden agreed to sign a confession, but he won't do it unless he sees you one last time." He motioned for Helena to follow him. "Meet me downstairs."

As she descended the stairs, Helena's heart ached with a mix of dread and a desperate hope that this might be her chance to save Braeden. Preston led her to the garage and stood back as she approached Braeden, his eyes locked onto her.

"Helena... I'm so sorry," Braeden whispered, his voice weak.

"Me too," Helena choked out before pressing her lips against his in a tender kiss, their tears mingling between them.

"Enough!" Preston snarled, yanking Helena away from Braeden. "My sister deserves better than some pathetic loser like you!"

"Stop calling me your sister! I love Braeden, not you," Helena spat, her eyes blazing with defiance.

Preston's face contorted with rage, and he raised his hand, striking Helena across the face. As pain bloomed on her cheek, she grabbed an awl from a nearby workbench and plunged it into Preston's foot.

With a guttural cry, Preston stumbled back, and Helena saw her chance. She sprinted outside, the cold air biting at her face. Behind her, Preston let out a furious yell and gave chase, grabbing a boarding knife on his way out.

Inside the garage, Braeden worked the nail Helena had slipped him under his tongue, using it to pick the lock on his handcuffs. Every second felt like an eternity as he listened to the distant sounds of Helena's footsteps, praying she could stay ahead of Preston.

Helena's lungs burned as she ran, the landscape a blur around her. She reached a cliff, the waves crashing against the rocks below. Fear tightened in her chest, and she spun around to find Preston closing in on her.

"Did you threaten Braeden? Tell him you'd kill me if he didn't sign that confession?" Helena demanded, her voice trembling.

"Of course not," Preston spat, clutching the boarding knife. "I'd die without you, my only true family."

"Family?" Helena scoffed, gesturing to the weapon in Preston's hand. "Somehow, I doubt it."Preston hesitated for a moment before tossing the knife over the cliff, his face a mask of anger and hurt. Helena knew this was far from over, but for now, she had won a small victory.

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