Part 84: A Bell

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With a heavy heart, Preston moved through the bar, securing each entry point as best he could. Behind him, Miguel silenced the eerie tune from the jukebox, the sudden quietness amplifying their anxiety. Helena, her eyes brimming with unshed tears, found Layne's lifeless body slumped behind the bar.

"Where's Braeden?" Preston asked, desperate for some good news. When nobody answered, he let out a frustrated sigh. "He must have escaped with Olive."

"Looks like Brandt's getting bolder," Miguel muttered, eyeing Zackary's disturbing display. "What are we going to do?"

"First, we find everyone else," Helena said firmly, wiping away her tears. "We need to stick together if we're going to stop that monster."

Olive appeared in the doorway of Helen's old home, ushering the others inside. "I found a hiding place. Macey's Attic. We can regroup there and figure out what to do next."

"Good thinking," Jairo agreed, following Olive up the creaky stairs into the dusty attic. Once everyone was inside, she secured the door behind them.

Ashleigh immediately began examining Macey's research, her eyes scanning the piles of documents and maps strewn about the room. Beside her, Jairo offered a comforting presence, his hand resting gently on her shoulder.

"Brandt used to be nice to me," Amelia said quietly, staring at the floor. "I don't understand how he could do all this."

"Nice?" Ashleigh snapped, her gaze fixed on Amelia. "That man is a cold-blooded killer. He was never nice; he was just manipulating you." She took a deep breath, realizing her outburst had startled the young girl. "I'm sorry, Amelia. I didn't mean to scare you. But we can't afford to see any good in him. Not now."

Olive, meanwhile, had discovered more maps of the island's tunnel system, matching up with those found in the Manor. "These tunnels could be our best chance at finding Brandt," she said, her voice filled with determination.

Just as they began discussing their next move, the distant tolling of the barn bell echoed through the air, sending a shiver down each spine. They exchanged wary glances, knowing that this development could either signal help or another trap set by their relentless adversary.

Back at the bar, "Maybe it's Olive," Preston suggested, his brow furrowed as the barn bell continued to ring ominously.

"Or a trap," Helena countered, her eyes scanning the darkened landscape warily. She could almost feel Brandt lurking in the shadows, waiting for them to make a wrong move.

Up in the attic, Ashleigh's eyes widened at the sound of the distant bell. "That could be help," she offered, trying to remain hopeful despite the heavy dread that weighed on her chest.

"Or Preston," Olive added, her heart racing at the prospect of reuniting with her fiancé. She quickly stuffed the tunnel maps into her pocket, determination etched across her features. "Come on, let's check it out."

Together, Olive and Ashleigh made their way to the barn, where they found Preston, Helena, and Miguel waiting anxiously. Their eyes met in silent understanding – they were all in this together, no matter how terrifying the road ahead might be.

"Where's Braeden?" Helena asked, her voice tight with concern.

"We had to leave him at bar," Olive replied, her expression grim. "We are so sorry Helena."

"Any idea who rang the bell?" Ashleigh chimed in, her gaze darting between each face.

"Let's find out," Helena suggested, leading the group into the shadowy depths of the barn. Miguel lit a candle, its flickering flame casting eerie shapes on the walls as they ventured further inside. Olive tried to focus on the task at hand, but memories of her mother's death in this very barn haunted her every step.

"Helena, I'm so sorry about Braeden," Olive murmured, her voice trembling slightly. Before Helena could respond, a blood-curdling scream echoed through the barn, cutting through the tense silence like a knife.

"ASHLEIGH!" The group sprinted towards the source of the scream, their hearts pounding in unison. They skidded to a halt at the sight of Detective Scarlet's lifeless body, half-buried in a haystack.

"Damn it," Helena cursed under her breath, her hands curling into fists at her sides. Before they could react further, car headlights illuminated the barn, casting sinister shadows and revealing Brandt, who had been stalking them unseen.

"RUN!" Preston shouted, and they raced for the door, bursting outside just as Killian and Alanna appeared.

"Where's Ashleigh?" Alanna demanded, her eyes wide with fear.

They exchanged panicked glances, only then realizing that Ashleigh had vanished into the night.

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