Chapter 3 - 19/02/2023

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Sunday, the day for me to be lazier than other day because I don't have any plans today. But
why am I still woke up at 5 a.m. I'll just....sleep again.

Diary 19/02/2023
Ugh, this waking up habit of mine is really the worst, I woke up 05:00 even at weekends and holidays. I need to change this, so I'll simply going to sleep again after writing this.

My alarm that I set for 7 a.m. ringing. Why did I set that alarm again? I'm sure I already turn it off the other day.

"Rinka, come here, let's eat breakfast." Mom calling while I'm still sleepy.
I unconsciously get myself to dining room, while still feeling sleepy.
"Go wash your face, also fix your hair before eating."
After washing and fixing my hair, I get back to eat breakfast.
"Rinka, I tried to wake you up earlier but you just ignore me, I'm sad y'know." Mom said that with a fake sad face that even children knew it was fake.
"So I set your alarm at very 7 a.m. to make sure you don't overslept more~" She said excitedly.
"You sure you aren't angry I ignored you and that made you set the alarm?"
"You know I can't get angry at you sweetie~"
"Stop that please, I'm not a child anymore!"
"Oh? Is that so? Then I want a grandchild from you~" She said that happily.
"By the way, where's dad?" I dodged the question, or her wish.
"He went out to check something, why do you ask?"
"That is new."
"Yeah, he finally developed new hobbies~"
"You sure he don't go cheating with another woman?"
"Even if he do that, he can't~" Ah, I hit a landmine. Her expression became scary.


I booted up my PC, logged in to an online games, and just like that, start my day.
"Ah, it's already 1 p.m. I better make something to eat."
My mom went out with dad, I don't know, might be  to refresh themselves? So I'm all alone until they go back.
"Did I said that out loud? I need to fix this talking to myself habit soon."
I cook simple meal and get back to my room and continue my video games.
Just like that, Sunday is gone, truly lazy day eh.

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