Chapter 23 - Catastrophe (1)

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In some religion, the last day of humanity, goes with lots of names. From the "Catastrophe", "Apocalypse", "Punishment Day" so on, and so forth. There also some religion that gave "sign" of the so called last day that will mark the end of humanity.
Some religion said, that it'll come on Friday, even if it not explicitly said that. Some others said Wars happening on earth, another saying that it'll happen when Human Morality goes down. But you know what, me? Every sign already happened in the far land, far from this land, on the other side of the earth. 
Today is Friday, for some unknown reason, I was thinking about that very question.
I get up, wash my body, and preparing things to go out.
I go to front door, and Stella sees me.
"Rinka? Where you going?"
"Somewhere, I don't know where though."
"Haaa, you with your 'I never plan anything' mentality."
"Yeah, anyway, can I go now?"
"No can do. Bring me too!"
"Nope, I have a bad feeling about today so you must always by your father side."
"Then, why are you going out if you have the so called bad feeling?"
"Just a hunch. Don't worry, I'll get back at noon."
"...noon only in 3 to 4 hours. I'm sorry, I thought you going out to see someone."
"nevermind, just go."
"Yeah, I was going to see someone."
"But you already talking to me....forget it."
And with that, I go outside.
Everything in this world will still working even without my intervention, as I'm not the main character. Passerby walking along the way, Carrier hurriedly passing through the city, Tourists sightseeing everything, it'll happen no matter what.
I kill some time doing stupid games on the arcade. Meet new 'friends', socializing and things.
I go to some department store, the upper floor, the floor that I could 'touch' the sky.
And then, just when I was about to leave, I feel some sort of energy, unknown feeling passing through my body.
Something telling me to look up, to the sky, that was once sky clear blue with some cloud, became red, as if the atmosphere bleed itself.
I ran, as fast as I could, to the lift as this is a 7th floor of this store and using stairs was not an option.
Nobody doing anything, as if nobody took notice of the bleeding sky.
I easily get into the lift, as if everything already arranged that the lift reach 7th floor when I arrive there.
"What's with the hurry?"
Some stranger on the lift asking me that, out of curiosity as I also feel myself drenched in cold sweat of fear.
"I....Just got a message from my dearly one."
"Good luck!"
"You too!"
As soon as the lift door opened, I fastened my walking speed as the store was somehow kinda bustling with people that I can't even run.
I got outside of the store, reflexively looking at the sky.
It still bleeding red, not even a shred of light from the mighty sun goes through.
I contacted Kaku to get me a transportation.
I 'rented' a motorbike as it slim body of 2 wheels could help manouvering fast.
I passed a lake, and for some unknown reason, I decided to stop my bike.
Some water bubbling was seen in a big area, like from a movie when something sealed underwater, waiting to be awaken.
And then, people started to notice the changes in sky.
They using their phone camera to record this event.
The very next minute, something leaking from the sky. The bloody red sky, was teared up, as if someone slice it, and as I expected, unknown entity leaking from it.
1, 2, 3, it started slowly.
I hold the gas, navigating through the road with the fastest speed this bike could hold.
I heard faint scream, faint sounds of body got shred, faint catastrophe, during this time.
I arrived at Kaku's Mansion, and I could see my parents was inside, is this the feeling of glad and happy? 
Just when I'm thinking that, for some unknown reason, I could see the lake that I for some unknown reason, decided to stop there.
A big, flesh body, resembling something out of this world, rising from the lake.
I close my eyes, and the vision gone.
I really don't know whether is this disgust or fear, but my body acting weird after seeing it.
I run over the garden.
"Sir Rinka, sir. This way!"
A servant, the title, at very least, was loudly shouting to me.
The underground bunker, that Kaku planned, is the place he guide me to.
I see the whole worker crew for the current shift of this day, there's also Stella, Kaku, and both of my parents.

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