Chapter 15 - 18/3/2023

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I need to sleep, after teaching Stella, instead of sleeping, I login into the game. This shitty me is so stupid. Now I was really sleepy at class.
Luckily, there's no class, well there is PE, but I can say I'm not feeling well so sleep in the infirmary. Time well spent... or so it is. Someone decided to bother me for whatever reason.
It was Eko.

"Hey dude, you're just sleeping here!"
"Yeah, I'm tired, just go."
"Aww no fun, If you about to ditch class, tell me. PE sucks, I better skip it for sure."
"Won't it be weird to the instructor if two of their students 'sick' during his class?"
"well, can't argue with that. Anyway, did you really didn't sleep just to play games? lol, you need to put better priority."
"I don't want to argue with you right now, go out."
"Fine, should I ask the girl to tend you?"
"Why wait, who will even do that? you mocking me?"
"I will ask someone~"
"yeah you're mocking me, just go away. I'll be back to the class next session anyway."

He is gone, finally some peace. please don't make me say.. or so it is. Fuck.
Stella coming to infirmary for whatever reason, c'mon I just want to sleep.
"You sick 'cause of me, no?"
"No, just go away. I need to rest."
"Why so annoyed? fine, I won't do this ever again."
The door closed. What just happened? this sucks, I'll just go home, should've go sleep instead playing game huh.

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