Chapter 13

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Witch house

Abby and Bonnie are walking through the house.
Abby: This place has some serious vibe in it.
Bonnie: The witch spirits will protect us from the Originals, but we should get into the basement.
[Bonnie walks down into the basement, but Abby doesn't follow. In the basement, Bonnie notices and shouts back.
Bonnie: Abby!
Stefan appears in front of her.
Bonnie: Stefan? What's going on?
Stefan: They took Elena. They're going to kill her unless we stop Esther.
Bonnie: Stefan, I- I can't stop her. She's channeling us!
Stefan: Bonnie, if you can't stop her. I have to find another way.
They look at each other for a while. Bonnie starts to feel afraid.
Bonnie: No...Stefan, no.
Bonnie tries to escape but Stefan rushes over and blocks her way.
Bonnie: What are you gonna do? Even if you kill us, Esther is channeling every witch in our ancestry, living and dead.
Stefan: Esther's drawing from the witches. The only way to cut her off is if one of you is no longer a witch.
Upstairs, Damon grabs Abby, bites his wrist and feeds her his blood.
Damon: This will only hurt a second.
Damon kills Abby.
Outside, Esther can sense something.
Esther: No! Sisters! Do not abandon me!
Finn: Mother!
The pentagram torches flare up. Finn grabs Esther. The other brothers cower from the flames. After a moment the torches die out. Elijah, Klaus, Kol and Alex stand around in shock. Finn and Esther are gone.
Klaus: so what are we gonna do now
Elijah: I will call Rebekah for her to meet us
Alex: you guys return home I will take a walk

Lockwood celler

Elena is sitting on the floor.
Rebekah: You can come out now. Seems your boys took care of the problem.
Elena: How did they do that?
Rebekah: Damon turned your witch friend's mother into a vampire.
Elena: What?
Rebekah: Quite clever, actually. They needed to sever the witch line and, well, you can't be a witch and a vampire. In any case, you're free to go. Oh and, uh, by the way, you were right. I do prefer taking my time watching you suffer. Much more satisfying.

Gilbert house

Elena walks into her room and picks up a letter on her bed from Elijah. She opens it and reads.
Elijah: "Elena, today I did things I abhor to protect the one thing I value most. My family. If anyone can understand that, it's you. Your compassion is a gift, Elena. Carry it with you. As I will carry my regret. Always and forever. Elijah."

Mystic falls street

Caroline decided to leave Abby and Bonnie for some time for themselves and go take a walk to think about what happened today when she saw Alex walking she hesteided at first then went to her
Caroline: hey
Alex: Caroline.... Um if you don't mind I would like to have some time with myself after almost being killed
Caroline: look I am really sorry about what happened today I really tried to stop them and I really want to be your friend I don't know what was I thinking
Alex got up
Alex: I don't I am the one you should apologize to
Caroline: I swear to god I tried to save you
She got up too
Alex: the thing you don't understand Caroline is that if kol died I won't be able to live he is the only reason I wake up every day and continue my life if my husband died I will kill myself without thinking because I won't have any purpose in life
With that she walked awy to return home

Mikelson house

When Alex entered her room she didn't see call so she send him a message and went to sleep

In the middle of the night kol wake me up
Kol: good morning beautiful
Alex:good morning darling why are we up that early
Kol: well I packed our things so get up
Alex:  wait we are leaving
Kol: we came here to spend just a day the sooner we get out of here the better
Alex: yea you are right let's go
I did my make up and changed my clothes and then we took our bags and we took a taxi and went to the airport when we arrived we went to my private jet and went to France.

Mikelson house

Rebekah walks into the room. Elijah is staring out the window.
Rebekah: Where the bloody hell is everyone?
Elijah: It's over, Rebekah.
Rebekah: Where's mother?
Elijah: We have no mother. Only Esther, and Esther was right.
Rebekah: What do you mean?
Elijah: My talk of virtue. When it suits my needs, I kill, maim, and torment. Even today, I terrorized an innocent.
Rebekah: Elena is hardly innocent.
Elijah: And I used your hatred of her to get what I wanted. Wielded you like I would a sword. My sister.
Rebekah: You did it to protect us, Elijah, and rightly so! We deserve to live! We are better than they are.
Elijah: Are we? Mother made us vampires. She didn't make us monsters, we did that to ourselves.
Elijah leaves.
Klaus is in the parlor at the fireplace, burning sketches he drew of Caroline. Rebekah enters.
Klaus: I thought you'd have gone by now. Elijah's leaving. Kol and Alex fled. Esther and Finn are gone too.
Rebekah: I hated you when I learned you killed our mother. But I realize now that after a thousand years together as a family, you're the only one who never left me.
Klaus: Well, aren't we a pair.
Rebekah: There's something I need you to see.
Rebekah pulls out her phone and holds it up to show Klaus the video of Elena she took.
Klaus: Come to brag about your skills as a torturer?
He takes the phone and looks at the screen.
Rebekah: Look at the images on the wall behind Elena. The Natives told the story of our family history, look at the images on the far wall.
Klaus: What is it?
Rebekah: A Native worshipping at the Great White Oak tree.
Klaus: And? We burned that tree to the ground.
Rebekah: Look at the markings that precede it. That's the native calendar.
Klaus: This can't be right.
Rebekah: A White Oak tree, three hundred years after we fled back to the Old World. There must have been a sapling, a new tree to replace the old. That tree could kill us. It's not over, Nik

1 month later in greece

Alex: you know kol I still can't imagine that we are here together without any drama ahh how much I love this feeling I just hope we will always be like this me and you and no one else no drama no anything just us
Kol :well darling good thing that we are immortal and can always be together
Alex: I love you kol
Kol: I love you too darling
And after that we went to continue our day without anything bothering us just me and kol
Me and kol were cuddling and watching a movie when we get a call from nik
Klaus: well well hello kol
Kol: what do you want nik
Klaus: I promise you I will not break your happiness with your wife I just want a small thing from you
Kol: and what exactly is it
Klaus: I want you to keep an eye on little Gilbert for me in Denver for sonetime
Kol: godd fine
He ended the call

Alex: ohh I knew this won't last long
Kol: don't worry darling just some months and then we can come again and also plan to celebrate our anniversary
Aldx: well then I want to celebrate it in monaco
Kol: and I promise you we will do that

But what we didn't know is that some promises are meant to be broken

A small chapter for you my lovelies I don't really know what to write anymore but yeah

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