Chapter 16

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Elsewhere in the school, Kol tortures Shane in the custodial closet.
Kol shoves Shane's head into a sink filled with water, holding him there for several seconds. Kol yanks Shane's head back up, and Shane gasps for air.
Kol: Where is the cure?
Shane is breathing heavily and doesn't reply while Alex watches with a smile on her face. Rebekah walks in. Smirking, Kol shoves Shane under again.

In the lab, April beings to cough, and Bonnie stares at her. The shots alternate between Shane being drowned and April coughing. In the closet, Kol yanks Shane up, and Shane is gasping for air.

Rebekah: You're human. Why do you want it anyway?
Prof. Shane: That's the beauty of this. You can have it. I just want Silas.
Kol holds Shane up by his shirt and Alex smile dropped and steps closer
Alex: No. What do you know about Silas?
Prof. Shane: He's the world's first immortal being, who just happens to be imprisoned with the cure...and I want to free him.
Kol: No!
Kol shoves Shane under the water again. In the lab, April's coughing worsens and Bonnie notices.
Bonnie: April?
April grabs her throat, trying to breathe.
Bonnie: What's happening?
Bonnie rushes over to April. Water pours from April's mouth.
Rebekah: Stop!
Kol brings Shane back up for air. Kol lets go of Shane. In the lab, April stops coughing, and she breathes heavily. Bonnie helps her to her feet.
Rebekah: He's of no use dead.
Kol: Did you not just hear what he said? Silas will kill us all, sister.
Rebekah: Silas does not exist. He is a-a fairytale made up to scare children into eating their vegetables.
Prof. Shane: Silas is very real. I know where he's buried, and soon I will have the spell that wakes him.
Kol: Wait a second, you're lying. You can't get to him.
Prof. Shane: Without his tombstone? Dozens to die in a blood sacrifice? Believe me, I know. I've done it. Those massacres are a pain to engineer.
Rebekah: You're the one who got the council blown up.
Prof. Shane: It was a noble sacrifice...and temporary, because once I raise Silas, Silas will raise the dead. He will bring back every last soul who died on his behalf.
Alex picks up a thin metal pipe and drives it through Shane's stomach.
Kol: No!
In the lab, April is bleeding where Shane was stabbed. She and Shane are linked from Bonnie's spell.
Bonnie: Oh, my god.
The shots alternate between the lab and the closet: Shane falls to the floor. April is dying. Shane appears to die. Bonnie looks up, as if she realizes what she has done.

In the library Tyler slams into the bookshelf, causing many books to fall.
Tyler: Agh! I can fight this!
He breathes heavily and falls to the floor. He crawls over to a table and pulls himself up. He grunts as his bones break. Caroline, Elena, and Stefan look at him from a distance. He slams his arms on a table, breaking it.
Tyler: Shouting. Get out of here!
Stefan: to Elena and Caroline Go-go!
The three run into the hallway, and Stefan closes the door. Tyler's screams can be heard.
Elena: That door's not gonna hold him!
Inside the library, Tyler's eyes glow amber, and his fangs emerge. He rams the door open and runs into the hallway after Elena and Stefan. Elena and Stefna close a door, trying to get away from Tyler. Stefan takes the fire axe and sticks it in the door handles. Tyler's growls can be heard as he rams into the door. The door is denting and opening; Stefan and Elena struggle to keep it closed. Elena rips off a locker door and sticks it through the door handles. Stefan and Elena back away from the door and stare at each other. They both charge at the door, banging it shut. It becomes quiet; Tyler is gone.
Meanwhile, in the custodial closet, Shane is still lying lifeless on the ground.
Rebekah: what did you do
Kol: You should be thanking her she did the right thing we cant bring silas to life
Rebekah: You killed my only chance at finding the cure.
Kol: Silas on the loose would be hell on Earth. Frankly, sister, I don't think you could handle it.
Kol pulls out the white oak stake.
Rebekah: How did you get that?
Kol: Way too easily.
Kol walks out of the closet, leaving an angry Rebekah to follow him out. Shane's eyes open, looking surprised. He looks at the pole in his chest and struggles to take it out as he pulls himself to an upright sitting position. He then remembers Bonnie.
Prof. Shane: Bonnie!
Bonnie is in the lab, trying to help April who is lying on her back unconscious in a pool of her own blood.
Bonnie: Help! Someone help!
Elena and Stefan rush into the room and see April's limp body
Elena: Bonnie, what's going on?
Bonnie: She needs help.
Stefan: What happened?
Bonnie: I did a protection spell, but it accidentally linked Shane to April.
Elena: And you couldn't control it?
Bonnie: I didn't know I was doing it! Usually I feel pain or I bleed, but this time I just felt more power.
Stefan is feeding April his blood, and she gasps, petrified.
Stefan: It's okay, it's okay! You're okay, you're okay.
Stefan holds April in his arms, comforting heer.
Stefan: Bonnie, get out of the school. Just be careful. Tyler's out there, and he turned.
Bonnie: What about you?
Elena: No, we can't leave. Rebekah's compelled us.
Stefan: Just go. We'll deal with her later. Come on.
Bonnie helps a still terrified April out of the room. Bonnie stares back at Elena before running out with April. Stefan shuts the door behind them and locks it. He stays by the door, looking through the door window.
Elena: Stefan...
Stefan: No.
Elena: Stefan, we have to talk about this. Please.
He turns to face her.
Stefan: Talk about what, huh? How many more ways are there for you to rip my heart out?
Elena: I'm sorry.
Stefan: You're sorry that it happened, or sorry that I found out?
Elena: I'm sorry about all of it! I'm really sorry, Stefan. I didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't want that.
The door opens and Rebekah strides in.
Rebekah: Why are my least favorite people always the most durable?
Caroline walks into the gym with a blunt object in her hands. She sees Tyler lying naked on the floor near a table covered with candles that were used in the memorial service.
Caroline: Tyler!
She drops her weapon, runs to him, grabs the tablecloth from the table and wraps it around his bare body. Tyler is in pain, and Caroline holds him in her arms
Tyler: I'm so sorry.
Caroline: What? No, it's not your fault.
Tyler: Yes, it was. This whole's all my fault.
Caroline: No...
Tyler starts crying. He's looking at a photo of his mom on the table.
Tyler: I should have saved her.
The two sit there, crying, as Caroline consoles Tyler.
Back in the lab, Stefan is standing before Rebekah.
Stefan: Leave her out of this. This is between me and you.
Rebekah: You're still protecting her. Must I rip your bleeding heart from your chest and show you the scar tissue that is Elena Gilbert? To Elena. There's a solution to all your problems, you know. I could compel him. Erase every memory he has of you...every day you spent together, every kiss, every lie, every ounce of pain...I could take away every bit of love he has for you. Give you both a clean slate. Just say the word, and I'll make you and all that misery you caused him disappear.
Stefan: Do it.
Elena turns and looks at him shocked.
Rebekah: Excuse me?
Stefan: Erase it all, every memory.
Elena: Stefan? No!
Stefan: I said do it.
Rebekah stares at him for a moment before laughing.
Rebekah: No. That'd be far too easy. I refuse to make you forget her the way Klaus made you forget me. To Elena. But at least you know how he really feels. To Stefan. Consider your eternity of pain my revenge, Stefan. I've used you for all you're worth, so now, you're free to go.
Rebekah leaves, and Elena is clearly upset. Stefan pauses a moment, then turns around and starts to leave as well.
Elena: Stefan, wait.
Stefan ignores her and walks into the hallway. Elena follows him, then stops and lets him go.

Shane is changing his shirt and picks up his old blood-stained one, when Bonnie storms in.
Prof. Shane: Turns out I miscalculated. Kol and alexandra are gonna be a problem.
Bonnie: I almost killed someone, and that's what you miscalculated? April could have died today!
Prof. Shane: And that's only because you didn't know the extent of your abilities.
Bonnie: My father just became mayor. I can't be out doing black magic.
She starts to leave.
Prof. Shane: That's not what Expression is!
Bonnie: Then what is it?
Prof. Shane: It's a way of doing magic that isn't monitored by nature or the spirits. It isn't good or bad, but it also has no limits. So how you use it is up to you. That's what I'm here for: to help you. Bonnie, listen to me. You are the key to everything. I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you.

Alex pov:

After going home kol was really anxious  alex: babe please calm down I killed him no one can do anything again
i tried to calm him but that didn't do anything so I did the only thing I know will calm him a little I kissed and after some time of kissing the kiss started to heat up and we went to our bedroom to continue our time together....

Aaaaaaaaahhh just 4 chapters and this book will be finished wow really
I am actually surprised that people read it but I hope you like it
Have a nice day❤️😊

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