Chapter 14

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Alex pov:

It's been 3 weeks we are watching Jeremy and kol acted like he was his buddy and one day kol said he is going out but he didn't came yet

Batting Cage In Denver

Elena and Damon are at a batting cage looking for Jeremy. Elena spots him.
Elena: There he is.
Jeremy swings at the ball and misses.
Damon: Next time we compel him, remind me to make him better at baseball.
Elena walks over to the cage.
Elena: Hey Jer!
Jeremy: Elena? What's wrong?
Damon, Elena, and Jeremy are walking out of the batting cages. Damon explains what has happened over the past few months.
Damon: Katherine sired us, Rose sired Katherine, all we need to do is find out who sired Rose.
Jeremy: So, you traveled across the country to get me to talk to a dead vampire?
Damon: Dead vampire is redundant, but yes.
Jeremy: Well, I can't. I could talk to Anna and Vicki because I knew them. I've never even met Rose.
Damon: What good is you dying and coming back to life if you can't talk to a ghost when I need you to?
Elena: Rose spent a long time running from Klaus as well. She and Damon were close, so maybe we can use him as a connection.
Jeremy: Fine, fine, but can we do this later? My friend just got here and yes, Damon, I actually have some. I'll call you when I'm done.
Jeremy walks away. Elena turns around and sees Kol.
Elena: Jer...
Jeremy: Hey man.
Elena: Damon, it's Kol!
Kol hits Damon with a wooden baseball bat. The bat breaks in half and Damon falls to the ground.
Jeremy: What are you doing?!
Elena: Jeremy, get back! He's an Original.
Jeremy: What?
Kol: No hard feelings, mate. But we're not buds.
Kol grabs an aluminum bat from the bat rack.
Kol: You know, I'll never get use to aluminum. But hey, at least it won't break.
Kol swings to hit Damon with the bat, but Damon grabs it and with his other hand picks up half of the broken wooden bat and stabs Kol through the chest with it. Kol falls to the ground.
Jeremy: Did you kill him?
Damon: No, but it'll give us a head start. Okay, come on.
Damon grabs Elena, who is shocked, and they leave the batting cages.

Alex pov:

after some time I was going to go see kol when suddenly I heared the door open kol: this asshole I will kill him
Alex: Kol are you okay what happened
Kol: damon fucking salvatore happened they are here to find their bloodline and I was fighting him but he killed me with a wooden bat
Alex: he doesn't learn from the past ha anyways who exactly are we going to kill
Kol: that the spirit we are going to go to a small road trip to visit the old mary
Alex: well then let's go
I went to our room to change our clothes

Motel In Denver

Elena, Jeremy, and Damon are getting their luggage out of the car and start walking to their motel room.
Damon: For the record, she's the one who wanted to stay in a motel, not me.
Jeremy: So, where are we?
Damon: Corner of somewhere and nowhere where Kol can't find us.
Jeremy: I can't believe Kol was a vampire.
Damon: Well, didn't you find it weird that you made a friend so fast? Have you met you?
Elena glares at him as they walk up the stairs.
Elena: Not helping.
They enter their motel room.
Elena: Well, this should work, right Jer?
Jeremy: Yeah, doesn't really matter.
Damon: Alright Whoopi, what do you need? Damon draws the curtains closed. Candles? Incense? Pottery wheel?
Jeremy: That's not how it works.
Damon: I know, I know. They push from the other side and you pull from this one.
Jeremy: Alright, you uh- you got a picture of her?
Damon: Picture? What, a trip to Disneyland? Come on Rose, you're not gonna actually make us wait, are you? I know you're obsessed with me.
Elena scoffs, rolls her eyes and sits down next to Jeremy.
Jeremy: All right, uh- tell me something about her.
Damon sits down on the end of one of the beds.
Damon: Um, well she does this little thing with her tongue.
Elena: Something that matters, Damon.
Damon: She spent her last day in paradise. Soaking in the sun and reminiscing about what it means to be human. And when death came, she didn't fear it.
Elena: I was with her on her last day and she definitely wasn't in paradise.
Jeremy: It was in the dream he gave her. She's here.
Damon looks around. He can't see her, but Rose is sitting on the bed next to him.
Elena: Is she lonely on the other side?
Rose: No. I enjoy it. I was running so much when I was alive, now I have the freedom to do whatever I want.
Jeremy: She says not to worry, she's happy.
Damon: Is she still hot?
Rose: Tell him he's still dripping with sex too. Jeremy stares at her. Fine, tell him I miss him.
Jeremy: She misses you.
Rose: And tell him I'm rooting for him and Elena.
Jeremy: She uh- she misses both of you.
Rose: Unfortunately, I don't have any news on the siring front. Klaus didn't sire me. No Original did. It was Mary Porter.
Jeremy: She was sired by someone named Mary Porter.
Damon: Uh, Scary Mary. Well, where is she, Rose?
Rose: I didn't keep track of her when I was alive, much less now. Tell them to sit tight, relax. I'll see what I can find out.

Mary's house

me and kol went to Mary and she told us that klaus is the one that killed her  and after that kol killed her with a stake in her heart and  we heared some voices so we hide
Damon, Elena, and Jeremy pull up to an old, abandoned-looking house and get out of the car.
Jeremy: This is the address.
Damon: Looks about right.
Elena: To Jeremy Wait here.
Jeremy: Why?! So you guys can make out some more??
Damon: Don't be a dick. Listen to your sister.
Jeremy scoffs and goes back to the car.
Damon: Thank you. Come on.
Damon and Elena enter the house. Elena turns on a torch. The room full of books on the floor and other junk.
Damon: Oof, like Vampire Hoarders.
Elena: Who is this Mary person?
Damon: Scary Mary. She's really old, super creepy.
Elena: And how do you know her?
Damon: I dated her.
Elena: Of course.
Damon: What? I said creepy, not ugly.
A loud noise comes from another room. Damon and Elena look at the door where the noise came from. Damon, followed by Elena goes into the room. Elena moves the torch light around the room and the beam lands on a vampire who has been staked to the wall.Damon: Mary.
The lights come on in the dark room. Kol is sitting in a chair with a baseball bat.
Kol: Quite contrary.
Kol: Shame about Mary. She used to be a blast. Don't quite know what happened. I fear all the time she spent with my family might have ruined her. She was a bit of an Original groupie.
Elena: And were you her favorite?
Kol: You mean, did I turn her? I think I did. But no, wait, maybe it was Rebekah. There was also a Klaus period. And let's not forget the Elijah affair. I spoke to my brother, I know you're trying to find out who you descended from. Now you never will. So, where did we leave off?
Kol hits Damon's leg with the baseball bat. Damon falls to the ground and Kol continues to hit him.
Damon: Elena, get out of here!
Elena runs for the door, but Alex rushes over and blocks her way.
Alex: not so fast here cutie yea nik said not to touch you but I would like you to see my lovely husband here torturing your boyfriend brother or should I say your boyfriend
Alex throws Elena to the ground. Damon gets up and rushes towards Alex
Damon: Don't touch her.
Kol throws Damon off of him.
Kol: Oh dear, I've hit a nerve. Heh heh. Relax, darling, I just want us to be even. You snapped my neck, you killed my brother, and then you humiliated me.
Kol hits Damon with the bat repeatedly.
Kol: There, now we're even.
after he beat him up we went to our plane and flew to Paris again after finishing our mission hoping for some peace.

Hey guys another chapter here hope that you are feeling good☺️

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