Part 1; chapter 1: Dagestani shaman

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I am getting my septum pierced next week. It was supposed to be done this week but some thing of a divine nature told me it wasn't going to happen that divine nature was the fact that I didn't pass a test to get the piercing done I have to commune with the spirits in order to get the piercing done. I know that sounds crazy but that's beside the point and also I got a word from the piercer that my piercing was delayed until next Monday the ninth of October now that might be up in the air because of my countries Thanksgiving that's gonna be a pain in my ass but anyways so I am working and I was working at this job for two years almost coming up to three years at a place called Bates where I end up going to clean up there facilities and help clean up everything from desktop see your name. It is very interesting and I get twice the money that I had gas for two hours. At 10 bucks an hour, and I get a toy sad because I do it twice a week is very interesting. To see the germs die. As viruses and bacteria.  But today was a little tricky the two hours because I was going with half an empty tank of stomach and I was wondering if I should continue because my blood sugar was getting low. I do not have diabetes, but I do have sometimes I will dip in my blood sugar and it's a little aggravating at times. Especially when I want to get things done. Other than that I had a good delicious ham sandwich and then I relax for the afternoon was hoping to go to the thrift store, but that was already yesterday, but I wanted to go again today to get the Lord of the rings books. But I did not turn out to be the case.

I am a big fan of lord of the rings and the hobbit particularly the box. At least I can send her the gory parts out without frightning myself. The movies are just as good but the second Lord of the rings spoiler alert is very scary in the middle, which is very good for me. I don't like scary movies scary anything just so long as there's a screen between me and the scary event.  

I believe that Halloween is not just a day, but it's a lifestyle is the way you were born it's not just the day on the goddang calendar.  But instead, it's a lifestyle, it's a way of showing who you are as a unique person Halloween town as this is a carlet supposed to be my idea of what my life is. As it was for the most part since I went through high school and went through some rough points in my life.

I had some good ham again for supper again it was pretty darn good. It was a Thanksgiving ham as this is the country's Thanksgiving that's coming up in October, which is kind of a pain in the ass part, I really wish that the Canadians would go by the American thanksgiving. It would be a lot easier than having to screw up October...... end it to make things worse they made it a a federal holiday, which is not my cup of tea because everything is usually close down on federal fucking holidays in the first place does this is not my kind a cup of tea is this weekend.

Negativities side I'm trying my best to be positive of the weekend that I would be normal and nothing would go as aggravatingly, slow or closed. Or if it is, then I was going to just relax for that day to begin with. I don't like long weekends as a bang up the mail.  Let's get to Halloween and christmas please.

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