Chapter 2

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My biggest pet peeve is the belief that Russian, Chechen, dagestani and Eastern European people are criminals or terrorists.   That is a pet peeve because not all of the people are what I call stinkers or shit disturbers.    I will tell you that before the man made beliefs came caused wreaked havoc that the people were nature based worshippers a small amount pagan the other shamanic and were for the most part were peaceful and fought to fending off invaders.     I will tell something.......... I am chechen, dagestani, Ukrainian, Russian and other Eastern European ethnic groups.   These people I believe can go back to their shaman roots and forget the hatred the three greate "religions" did to us or at least learn from it.

Yes I am of those ethnic groups, I have tattoos and piercings: does that make me Russian mafya? No.  But according to popular belief and culture that would make me qualify, which disturbs my sh*t.   As I am a go well meaning human, who has be the out cast for the better part of my f*cking life because of my Eastern Europe heritage as well my central Asian and Himalayan ancestors as well as my ptsd, post traumatic stress disorder.   To me the idea of stereotyping p*sees me off so much that it makes people think that tattoos = crinimality, and Eastern Europe = terrorism.   Well that is f*cking wrong.   I am a man Eastern European and or tattooed people are for the most part.....Good people.    

I have many a milf (memory I'd like to forget) that has haunted me in my sleep since my goddang birth.   I as you know from my earlier biographies that I was a hot mess in child hood.  But used creative means to help my self.   Also them same can be said about goth and punk people..... they're just people, trying to live a f*cking life. So I wish people would get over themselves and know that we are just trying to get through the f*cking day.   

I am just getting over my milfs (memories I'd like to forget) but being in a group home, where I current live.   And I am able to explore my sence of ancestry and style.   These people at the group home see you what you really are........human.

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