🏹⚡️An Unexpected Conversation 🏹⚡️

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Eobard walks over to the fastest man alive with his signature sadistic smirk across his lips as he clenches his fist knowing how easy it could be to kill him right now but unfortunately he needed Barry alive for the moment as he unclenches his fist and held his hand out towards Barry

Barry was reluctant to accept his hand but he scoffed and took it anyways as Thawne helps him stand up

Thawne lets out another chuckle as Barry just scoffs and pulls his hand away; apart of him felt like this was his doing, that Eobard did something to change everything and so he decided to question about it

"What the hell did you do, Thawne?"

Eobard started to laugh fully knowing that this was coming as he had a feeling that Barry Allen would blame him for what was going on

Eobard: Oh, Barry. I've done a lot of terrible things in my life. But I hate to break it to you, Flash.. this isn't one of 'em.

But Barry didn't believe him as lightning crackled off his body and he instantly ran at Thawne and ran him into a nearby wall and held his hand on his throat..he didn't believe him

"You're lying. You did something. What did you do!?"

You could see the anger rise In Barry's body as he fully believed that the reverse flash had something to do with whatever the hell was going on as Thawne struggled to breathe feeling his grip tightening around his neck. For the first time, Thawne decided not to laugh or make a joke to this otherwise tense situation, instead telling the fastest man alive

Eobard: For th-the fi-first ti-time, Bar-Barry. I-I'm in-inn-innocent.

Barry let out a deep scoff and released his grip as Thawne fell to the ground and held his throat and coughed out

"It doesn't make sense. We changed it back."

He told Thawne as Eobard looks up at him and scoffs with a smirk on his face as he stands up to his feet

Eobard: That's the thing about time travel, Barry. It's complicated.

Barry rubbed the back of his neck as he started to pace around thinking about the change to the timeline...he was now, somehow dating Thea Queen

Out of all the changes that he could've or would've thought about.. this was one that he never would've expected; I mean, he did think that Thea was quite cute and she did help him get out of the speed force back when he gave his speed up to Zoom but this was something that he shouldn't have happened

Thawne could see his this was affecting Barry as he chuckles and walks over to him and pats him on the back

Eobard: Walk with me, Barry.

Thawne started to walk as Barry stops pacing and watches him and hesitates to follow him. Thawne turns around and sees Barry standing there and tells him the most ironic thing about this situation

Eobard: I'm the only friend you have right now, Barry. Better make the most of it.

Barry scoffs and walks over to him and passes by as he tells him

"We're not friends."

Thawne laughs and replies back

Eobard: Once upon a time we were.

Barry turns back as his words sent a shiver down his spine as goes over to the evil speedster while clenching his fist

"And then I found out you were a murderous psychopath who killed my mother."

Eobard chuckles and shot back

Eobard: And then you went back In time and changed the past, lived with your newly reunited family for a few months before you realized I was right about you taking us both to hell and so you had me help you change it back because your memories were fading and now here we are.

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