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After being there for an entire year, Astra was summoned to a room only to meet up with a familiar elder male who wished to speak with her. She had her arms crossed over her stomach as she looked to the male before her. "Yes Karlhiens?"

"I wish to ask you about your stay here, how have my sons been treating you?" He asked with a smile

"All but one have been truly genuinely nice to me."

"I heard of one of them betraying his word to you, no doubt that has made things difficult for you dear princess. So; have you chosen whom you will take with you yet or do you need another year to finalize your thoughts?"

Astra shook her head as she pushed her glasses up. "I already know who I wish beside me, being that your sons are all royal blood and what would make the most sense for me would be with someone who would be in the same position as myself." Astra said as she placed her hands on either side of her.

"Oh? Which of my sons are you willing to be betrothed to?"

"Your eldest son, Shu. He has a kind heart even if his words are fairly blunt, I have seen many sides of that male and I pretty sure that he will do fine beside me." Astra said sincerely

Karlheins shook his head. "As much as I value your choice in my sons, I cannot allow that. If I become nonexistent he will be the one to get my power, he cannot have that power if he is to be placed beside you."

Astra closed her eyes as she sighed. "You asked and I gave my answer, if you cannot take that answer then you have just started a useless war with a race that can kill any of you in your sleep."

"My daughter is correct, you had asked her a simple question and she has given you an answer in return. Will you deny her what she wishes or will you comply with our bet Karlhiens?" Astra's father spoke behind his daughter

Astra looked behind her to see a raven haired male with purple eyes, his arms where crossed as his eyes were narrowed at his 'friend'. Astra knew damn well that she would not be able to speak so she didn't, so she didn't get made fun out of for talking. Karlheins said nothing as the six males whom resided within the manor showed up around the trio.

"Well-well...looks like our presence here has brought out all six of your useless sons." Astra's father said with a grin

"T-They're not useless. For those whom I've been around...They...They've been really good towards me." Astra said, she was shocked that she was able to talk but spoke nothing of it. "Father, if I cannot find someone out of these males must I be killed? There must be something I can do to prove that I am not a taboo to those who think less of me."

As she spoke to her father she looked directly at him. He went up to his daughter and placed his hand on the top of her head. "I will not allow such a thing to happen to you, in fact I believe you've chosen well daughter, I'm glad you can see to the reasoning that I have placed through that mind of yours. You've done me proud daughter, it is why I've given you your voice back. You've been without it for too long daughter."

"You still do not call me my name. I haven't done good enough yet, if this is what I have to do then I will chose someone else if that is the wish of the stuck up vampire before us." Astra said as she placed her father's hand off of her.

She then went up to Subaru and she smiled at him. "Subaru, will you do me the honor of being my beloved?" She asked as she looked him straight in the eyes

Subaru's eyes widen as he looked down at her. "Are you sure that you wish for me to be the one with you?"

She nodded her head with a smile. "Of course I'm sure."

Laito spoke up with a smile. "Aw, did you not enjoy time with me princess?" Laito teased

"It's not that, many times you along with that narcissistic male beside you have attempted to rape me, Reiji, Shu and Subaru are the only one's that have been somewhat nice to me. I've originally picked Shu, but your father doesn't wish for me to be around him so I went to the person who I thought was best for me."

"You do not believe I am better suited?" Reiji asked curiously

Astra looked straight at Reiji. "As much as enjoyed the time we've spent together, you have a lot of unfinished business and untied emotions within you that you must go through on your own. Just because you show a calm exterior doesn't mean that you have a calm interior as well. I can see every aspect of all six of you males, some more than others." She said before her eyes wandered to Kanato who looked down sadly

"I should have been the one you were with...not him." Kanato said sadly

"You betrayed my daughter with a woman who was told to stay from you, luckily that woman will never see the light of the day again but you should be ashamed of yourself for placing my daughter on the brink of insanity!" Astra's father said seriously

"Are you sure you're not the cause of that?" Laito asked before he went up to Astra placing her face against his chest as he lifted up her shirt showing the mark on her back. "She goes insane every time this mark burns her, this mark only burns when you deem it necessary. If anyone is to cause her to go insane is the black sheep in the room, Ayato, Reiji and I have all seen the mark being triggered off. We know how to calm it to a degree, but to remove it...that's beyond our knowledge."

Astra blushed deep red as she nuzzled herself against Laito's chest as she held on to his jacket tightly. Karlhien's eyes narrowed at his 'friend'. " Enzo, I thought that we both agreed we'd never punish our children in such a manner?! Why have you gone against our agreement!?"

The raven haired male laughed. "Did you really believe that I'd actually agree to not discipline my daughter in such a way? If I don't punish her when she's done wrong who will?"

As Enzo spoke the mark glowed and Astra cried out in pain as she fell to her knees as her head was on the ground while her tail and wings began to show

"Father stop this! it burns so badly! please! I'm begging you stop this pain!" Astra pleaded

Enzo didn't stop instead he made the pain intense on her making her curl up in a ball on the ground crying in pain. None of the brother's liked seeing her in the way that they saw her in. Subaru didn't want Astra to end up like his mother, he growled before he went up to Enzo and punched him in the face making him go straight into a wall cracking it as he did so. As he did the pain that Astra was in stopped as she was lying on the ground in pain unconscious.

Laito felt bad for the young woman, she had it worse than any of them had gone through. He picked up the young woman and carried her to her bed only for Reiji to come in to her room and take care of her back. He had made up a remedy that would subdue the pain she was in. As she slept the Sakamaki brother's father spoke with them about Astra before they were all told that they had another year to get her to chose with the exception of Kanato and Shu, neither one of them could get anywhere close to her.

Kanato for obvious reasons and Shu due to him being the eldest, he didn't wish for his eldest to be taken from the manor. For once Reiji felt relieved not to be the heir of the Sakamaki name that night.

Unnerving feelings [Sakamaki brother love story]Where stories live. Discover now