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Two: Divided

"Fitz?" Ivar heard his dad call from downstairs. Ignoring the incessant calls he tried to focus on his homework. "Fitz?!" His father's voice grew angrier. Ivar slammed his pen down on the table and went to his brother's room. Without knocking he barged in, grabbing their attention.

Fitz took off the headset, eyes still glued to the TV, and he asked; "What?"

"Dad's calling you." Fitz stood up, shoving the controller in Ivar's hands. "Don't let me lose."

Ivar nodded happily; a break was exactly what he needed from studying. "What's up?" He asked Arlen, occupying his brother's spot.

"You good man?" Arlen asked, both nodded and started battling each other. After a couple of matches won, Arlen put his controller down. "How are you this good?"

"Someone needs to play with my brother while you're off to uni."

"That explains how he keeps beating me; I used to be better than him, now look at me."

Ivar chuckled at his brother's friend; they seldom talked and this was the first time Ivar played with him. "How's uni life? Fitz said you're doing pretty good." He tried to fill the awkward silence.

Arlen nodded, picking a new arena to battle in. "Yeah, getting out of this hellhole helped a lot."

"What do you mean?"

Arlen turned to him, contemplating his next words, but instead said, "Nothing."

Ivar wanted to probe for more answers, but Fitz returned looking at the stats. "Am I winning?"

"Yeah," Ivar mumbled, rapidly tapping at the console. With one last tap, the big K.O. appeared on the screen, and Ivar jumped up in victory.

"Dude, you have medals in boxing, how did you lose?" Fitz laughed happily tapping Ivar's back. "Thanks." Ivar pursed his lips, looking at the pair playing a new match already. He wanted to stay longer; the short break begging to be lengthened, but as usual the two older males were doing their own thing. That was his cue to leave. His shoulders slumped, thinking about the stack of homework he still had to do.

He walked into his room and stared at the pile. It was only Friday, he could still do it the next day, right? He nodded, convincing himself that he needed a longer break. He turned on his heel, ready to ask his brother for another match. He stopped outside the slightly opened door, ready to knock when the conversation stopped him.

"...he doesn't like Ailey, so I might break up with him." Hand still raised, Ivar felt confused. Him?

"Don't worry man, I'm sure you'll find the perfect guy soon. At least the dating pool is better in college." Fitz's voice was clear even though he spoke in a softer-than-usual volume. Ivar scooted back a bit, trying to peer into the room. There were so many questions, his confusion nothing but shock and disbelief.

"For sure. If it weren't for you I wouldn't even bother coming back." Arlen spoke in that disappointed voice he used earlier.

Ivar heard slight shuffling as the two inside the room chuckled, teasing each other. The door opened suddenly and Ivar stared up at Fitz's shocked expression. He looked back to see Arlen's eyes strained on the TV and quickly shut the door stepping out. Fitz pushed his brohter to his own room, closing the door behind them like a spy on a mission.

"Ever heard of this thing called privacy?" He hissed in a low voice.

"I...is it true? Is Arlen gay?" Ivar asked his brother looking at the closed door. Fitz's pointer flew to his mouth fast, warning his brother. "Forget whatever you heard, it's better if you don't know anything."

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