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Five: Deluge

"You okay?" Ivar looked into the rearview mirror and smiled. "I'm good." Sighing, Arlen dropped the subject. He already asked Ivar twice, knowing there was a deeper worry; but unsure on how to pursue the topic.

They stopped at school, and Arlen turned to Ivar. "I can see something's bothering you. Never mind the dark rings around your eyes; couldn't sleep again?"

Ivar shook his head. "It's called a blue eye; you know from getting hit." He tried to joke, hoping the seriousness in the car would disappear. Arlen's hand grabbed his, squeezing it lightly.

"You know you can talk to me." He turned awkwardly to his sister next to him. "You have both of us; don't keep it to yourself."

"Oooookay." Ivar drew out the word, trying to act like it was nothing. "I'm going to go now." He took his bag, ready to jump out, but the grip on his hand turned tighter. He looked at the hand and up at the owner, eyes wide.

"Ailey, get out," Arlen demanded his eyes still on Ivar. She grunted at them but obeyed her older brother.

"What is going on?"

"Arlen, I'm fine." He scooted closer to the hand, hoping it will let go. Instead, another hand joined. He thought back to the way he held on to Arlen before, feeling his cheeks become rosy accompanied by a speedy heartbeat. "Just forget what I said last time."

"No." Arlen looked at him, a hint of anger on his face. "I told you; I'm here. Maybe I can't protect you at school, but I'll make sure they pay for what they've done."

"Arlen..." Ivar used the same exasperated sound he usually heard from the big brother. He wanted the distance to increase between them; the safety net he was feelign started to feel like a death sentence. He didn't want to feel like that near Arlen – he wanted to feel awkard again, fumblign to get away from this guy. "I'm feeling better today."

"Promise?" He nodded his head; it wasn't a lie, he did feel better. But better didn't always mean fine.

"Come to me when you want to cry like that again." Hesitantly Ivar nodded; it would be embarrassing to clutch onto him like that habitually.

Arlen leaned forward, his one hand moved to Ivar's neck, pulling him forward. Slowly he placed a kiss on Ivar's forehead. That securing comfort he felt before returned again and his eyes closed. He didn't pull away, he just stayed put and accepted the moment he was given. Not given, the obligation that he had to endure.

He avoided eye contact and jumped out of the car walking into school quietly, a whirlwind of thoughts splattering across his brain. "I'll see you at lunch." He turned to see Ailey, remembering she was there. All he did was nod guiltily and continued to class.

"Hey Fag Atkins!" A cold chill ran down Ivar's spine and his hand flew to his still-tender abdomen. Just days after he was first ambushed in the bathroom, it seemed like this group made it their goal to jump Ivar at any opportune times.

"Hey! I'm calling you! Don't walk away." A hand grabbed his shoulder and before he realized Ivar smacked the hand away.

"What the-!" The person screamed and launched a kick in Ivar's direction.he fell down and looked up at his juniors; the same ones that had imaginative slurs every day. "Leave me alone." Ivar looked at them, trying to get back on his feet. A blonde-haired boy pushed him back down, putting his full weight on ivar's legs.

"Why? Are you in a hurry? Need to go to your wife?" The guy, an overly lanky lad, looked at his friends, smiling as if he told a joke. "Or are you the wife?" He bent forward, smiling with menace. He nodded at his friends and they took Ivar's hands, holding them above his head. Ivar tried to push agaisnt them, but the group rendered him immobile.

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