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Nine: Compassion

The embers in the pit were dying out, but no one could feel the cold seeping in. The moon provided enough light for their little campsite, ensuring their laughter continued into the early morning.

The four sat in a circle, their chairs enclosing the mountain of beer in the middle. Ivar laughed whole heartedly at Mack's story, not really paying attention to the details. He crushed the beer can with his hands, reaching for another. Ivar's chair wobbled a bit and Arlen reached out, stopping him from falling over.

"Whoa!" Ivar giggled with Arlen's concern. "You good?" He dramatically nodded his head, smiling at his friends.

"Ivar, are you sure you want another beer?" Ailey asked, reaching across for the beer. Inwardly he groaned at the only sober person that was trying to take his beer away.

"I'm good, I'm good." He mumbled and opened the can. "Okay, okay. Next one; never have I ever..." He sat back, thinking of what he could ask. "Kissed the same sex before." Ailey rolled her eyes, sloshing her coke around. He chuckled watching the two boys drinking.

"Ha!" He laughed.

"Ivar, come on, ask one for me." He pouted at her, thinking again.

"Alright. Never have I ever kissed someone's sibling!" He laughed again chugging down his beer. The other three looked at their drunk friend, then at each other; Mack and Ailey sipping their drinks.

Ivar's head lolled back and he looked at the stars, enjoying the dark contrast compared to his normal view. He smiled, a floundering hand tracing the milkyway. "Pretty." He whispered.

"Ivar?" Arlen smacked his arm, looking at the younger guy. "Just because you're eighteen doesn't mean you should drink that much worth's in one night."

He hummed at the concerned sibling, tracing the constellations.

"I'll be back." Mack mumbled, walking away. Ailey scooted closer to Ivar, troubled that the bright smile seemed more distant than any other day. Ivar hissed as she patted his thighs, his eyes shooting at hers. He shoved her hands away, glaring.

"Are you okay?" She asked again, patting his hand, unaware of his strange reaction. He gave a soft nod, staring at the other sibling. "I'm fine, don't worry."

Ailey looked unconvinced and Ivar almost faltered like he usually did and told the siblings everything, but the incident at school stopped him. He stared at Ailey, guilt clutching at his heart. He put his hand on top of hers, and spoke earnestly. "I'm just enjoying this with my friends. Don't worry." She smiled and nodded.

"Don't overdo it." She patted his shoulder, looking at her brother; deeply sighing when he gave her no reaction. She huffed and stood, walking off after Mack.

Ivar chugged what was left in the can, crashing it like he did before and added it to his empty pile.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Arlen asked, moving his chair a little closer. Ivar smirked at the sibling. "Just want to be near me, huh?"

Arlen's eyebrows shot up, looking at the sudden brave boy in front of him. "Concerned, yeah." He looked up at the stars, trying to see what Ivar had traced earlier. "You've been quieter than usual lately."

Ivar hummed, closing his eyes, digging his hands underneath his armpits. A few seconds ticked by comfortably before Ivar talked. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." The older sibling turned his attention to Ivar.

"How did you know you were gay?"

"It was small things." Ivar fixed his eyes on Arlen, focusing on every word. "Getting flustered when in the locker rooms. Not having a crush like the other guys. Only crushing on guys." He breathed deeply, looking at Ivar. "Eventually, enough research and acceptance and I knew I was super gay." Ivar chuckled at the last part.

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