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They arrived at the middle school shortly after. The brick building loomed in front of them its wide doors filling up with tweens and young teenagers of different years. Nayuta was focused on two things at this school graduating and getting as many pet dogs as she can within the school. 

Denji waved goodbye to Nayuta, Power gave the teenage devil a fist bump before following Denji. 

"So explain to me again why Nayuta must go to another school?" Power looked at Denji who turned to look at her before sighing. 

"Because that's just how it works I guess... Honestly, I don't understand it much either like. Nayuta is way smarter than me." 

"Tis a flawed system." Denji nodded in agreement.  Shortly after they arrived at the high school. the building was a lot bigger than the middle school but shared similar features. Older teens and young adults flooded the building as Denji and Power soon became a part of the flood. Denji focused on getting laid by the end of the school year at least and Power's goal was to be known and praised throughout the entire school. Denji and Power walked through a hallway and stopped at a locker. 

"Why are you stopping Denji? Our homeroom is down the hall." Power tilted her head confused at him. Denji pointed at the lock on the locker and said. 

"You need your bookbag." Power tapped the side of her head and it seemed the realization kicked in. 

"Yes, yes! My bookbag." Power walked up to the locker and pulled a small piece of paper from the pocket on the left side of her chest, examining it closely and turning the lock before looking back at the tiny piece of paper. After a few moments, she unclicks the locker and swings it open grabbing her bookbag from the locker. She slammed the door shut and put the lock back on, she folded the piece of paper back up and tucked it into her pocket. Denji yawned and then spoke.

"All good?" Power nodded and marched down the hallway with Denji at her side. 

They made it into their homeroom right before the bell rang to signify the start of the school day. Denji and Power sat in silence as Power rummaged through her bag and Denji stared off into space imagining himself fighting a devil. Ten minutes or so later another bell rang and students stood up and left the classroom for their first period, psychology. 

Denji and Power crowded into the classroom with the other students, taking their seats at their desks and waiting for the teacher. The teacher arrived shortly after wearing a simple teacher's uniform, the man was tall but had weight on him, and not in a good way. He sat down at his desk in the front corner of the class and spoke in a loud voice. 

"Good morning class. Everyone pull out the book "Human Emotions" and please turn to chapter 6, Love. " 

This is what Denji was waiting for! This is the entire reason he took this class so that he could learn how to make all the ladies fall for him! Power on the other hand was instantly board, she never understood why love was an emotion that held so much weight in the human world. Either way, both of them along with the rest of the class pulled out the book from their bags turned the pages, and began reading. As Denji read he realized that this book had to be wrong. Love wasn't all about this trust and understanding stuff! Love was about sex, boobs, and pretty girls! Denji let out an audible groan and scratched his head in confusion. At least that's what Makima and Reze taught him. Power on the other hand was equally confused for another reason. Power thought she would just read this and get it over with but the further she read into the chapter the more something seemed to click. She felt this way around Denji! Just to be sure she made a mental checklist and began going through the chapter once again. Wanting to be close to them, check. Wanting to be understood by them, check. Not having any major secrets around them, check. Thinking more about than just how they look, check. Power read through the various scribbles on the paper reading it over again, and again, and again. 

"Power!" Denji punched her arm as the rest of the class watched them. 

"Why is your face red? you got a fever or something?" Denji tilted his head as the rest of the class went back to the reading. Power was dumbfounded. She reached up to her face and gently touched her cheek.

"Huh? Maybe I do?" 

"We'll get some medicine on our way home. Weird didn't even know fien-" Denji coughed "you could get sick." Denji made sure not to use the word fiend at school. That could be bad. It was odd enough having to explain that Power's horns were in fact not horns and was a head ornament she wore. Denji looked at the book and quickly read through it again not very interested in it. 

"Ugh! Medicine is a vile poison!" Power was still confused by her recent discovery but soon it started to make sense. She was quite happy when she was around Denji, she enjoyed being in his presence and she enjoyed touching and leaning on him. She was really happy for whatever reason when he agreed to bathe with her that one time after she beat the darkness devil. She enjoyed being praised by Denji more then others. Still, though does this mean Denji feels the same? He must right? She knew it! She was gonna tell Denji once they got home about her new discovery! 

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