Naps and Pizza

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Denji was setting the table placing three ceramic plates down then 3 napkins next to the plates. As he was setting down the final fork Nayuta walked into the kitchen. She scanned the room before raising an eyebrow at Denji. 

"Where's Power? I haven't seen her sense you two got home." The small devil walked over to Denji looking up at him with her spiral pupils. Denji spoke in a quiet voice. 

"She and Meowy are napping. Apparently after taking the medicine she got really hot and her stomach felt weird." Denji ruffled her black hair smiling down at her. 

"Why do you ask?" 

"Just curious." She walked over to the bed room door and slowly opened it peaking through the crack. She turned her head to the blonde teen. 

"Can I go nap with them? They look comfy." Denji nodded and whispered. 

"Just be quiet and try not to wake them. Power get's real cranky when she get's woken up." Nayuta nodded and carefully entered the bedroom gently climbing in beside Power and curling up next to her. Denji watched through the crack in the door before slowly closing it making sure to be quiet. He yawned himself. After seeing the two devils sleep so peacefully he felt like he needed a nap himself. He heaved out a sigh.

"Guess it's the couch for me." He sat down on the couch and turned the TV on, leaning back and kicking his feet up on the coffee table. He watched whatever shitty program was on before his eyes started to droop. Shortly after Denji drifted off into a well deserved sleep. 

Denji found himself in Aki's old apartment but instead of Aki being there it was only him. Weird Aki must of stepped out for a mission. Denji stood up from the couch stretching before walking into the kitchen. Much to his surprise Power and Nayuta were there. Power was leaned over the counter staring down at a cook book trying to figure out how to make a cake. Nayuta was beside her on a step stool equally as puzzled as Power was. 

"Hey, what are you two doing?" The voice made Power and Nayuta turn around. Power seemed surprised to see Denji, Nayuta seemed indifferent. Power scrambled to hide the cook book before fully turning towards Denji. 

"Uh- Hey, Denji. Did you um sleep well?" Power's face was slightly flustered but she was doing her best to seem find. Denji walked over to her and picked the cookbook up examining the page they were on. Power quickly tried to snatch it back while shouting profanities at the young man. 

"A birthday cake? Who's birthday is it?" Power stopped stiff and smiled a little. 

"Umm.. Uhhh mine! Yes mine! I was making a birthday cake for me!" Power's face was coated in the same expression she always wore while lying. After spending as many years as he had with her he could tell easily when she was lying. Wait how many years has it been? 

Denji woke up to a finger pressing into his cheek and cross pupils staring into his eyes. 

"HA! See I told you he wasn't dead!" Power shouted while turning the finger over to Nayuta shoving in her direction. Denji sat up rubbing his eyes. 

"What's going on? Who's dead?" Power turned back to Denji with a wide smile showing her fangs. It was that weird smile though. Not one of actual emotion and happiness but the one of confidence and triumph. Better then a fake though. 

"You were! Or at least Nayuta thought you were. But of course I the magnificent Power was right." Denji looked at Power then Nayuta.

"Why did you think I was dead?" Nayuta shrugged her shoulders 

"You never sleep during the day. You're always working or something." Denji stared at her then turned his eyes to Power. Was she prettier then she was a few moments ago? Denji stood up stretching.

"SHIT! DINER! WHAT TIME IS IT?!" Denji quickly shot his eyes over to the clock. He sighed with relief. 

"Only 5:30. I can still make something." Power and Nayuta looked at each. Power was the first to speak up. 

"Me and Nayuta have decided that we would like Pizza tonight." Power declared and Nayuta nodded confidently. 

"Pizza? That costs too damn much! Why can't I just make something!" Nayuta nudged Power. Power's voice got softer. 

"You've been working real hard lately Denji... We think you should take a break. Y'know? Have a rest day." Denji thought on the offer for a while before nodding. 

"Fine. But if you want guys want pizza you have to make it." Power looked at him confused before turning to Nayuta.

"Can we make pizza?" Power whispered. Nayuta shrugged and whispered back.

"No clue but I think we can find out" 

Power and Nayuta both turned their attention back to Denji giving him a firm nod of determination. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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