Day 1: Failure

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The next day was the introduction of the teams. Fairy Tail put on their new outfits and walked out as their team was called.

The crowd started booing.

"Wha–" Natsu asked incredulously.

"Hey–" Lucy trailed off.

Kori grabbed Gray's fist and pushed it down, notifying him of how murderous he looked.

"Natsu, let them laugh. That just means we'll win," she said. They looked at her in bewilderment. "A League of Their Own, Miracle, Invincible, Dodgeball, Slapshot, all movies about underdogs making a comeback. We got this. Easy beans."

Her confidence boosted theirs.

The next few teams were introduced. When they got to Fairy Tail Team B, Kori noticed Gajeel in that group; an explanation for what she smelled earlier. When they got to Sabertooth, the crowd erupted into cheers. Kori then thought of Wildcats and began giggling.

"Oi! What's so funny?" a blond spikey-haired male from Sabertooth asked. Kori was able to get her laughs under control and made a waving motion.

"Raving lunatic," a dark-haired guy commented under her breath. Kori looked right at the woman and smiled with her eyes.

When Sting saw her eyes, he was helpless. They were bright green and held all sorts of emotion. Her happiness shining through them made him blush. They sparkled with joy and hidden mischief under innocence. He couldn't take his eyes off the beauty of her. The way her hair shone, her posture, her face. But her eyes were definitely his favorite.

Sting's stares did not go unnoticed. Gray balled his fists and glared at the blond. He didn't want to look like he cared too much. After all, a crush was supposed to be a secret.

Natsu did not feel like being discreet. He marched right up to the blond.

"Hey! Why're you staring at my sister?"

Sting tore his eyes away from Kori's and met Natsu's glare.

"I wasn't," he snapped.

"Bull," Kori said crossing her arms and sticking one hip out. Man, Sting was in love.

"You so were, perv," Gray cut in.

"Hey, I don't need you to help me defend my own sister," Natsu said to Gray.

"Cause you seemed to be doing just fine on your own," Gray responded sarcastically.

"Actually, I was. Thanks for noticing."

"That was sarcastic, idiot."

"Don't call me idiot, stripper."

"Don't call me stripper, pyro!"

"Shut your mouths before you lower the IQ of everyone here!" Kori shouted. The two immediately stopped. "I can fight my own battles, thanks."

"Listen to the lady, Gray," a new voice chimed in.

"Stay out of this Lyon," Gray growled.

"Gray," Kori growled.

"Gray-sama," Juvia whined.

"Well, Gray, take either Juvia or Kori but you can't have both," Lyon said. Kori growled.

"Wha–" Gray started.

"Gray-sama," Juvia said grabbing Gray's arm.

"That's your choice," Lyon said. He turned to Kori and grabbed her hand as he knelt. "From the moment I saw you, I knew it was love at first sight. Please, be mine."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2023 ⏰

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