A Lot Happens

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A girl of 19 walked through the streets of Magnolia. She dressed simply, wearing jeans and a gray shirt with combat boots clicking on the road. She wore a cloak around her shoulders with the hood off causing her black hair to move slightly despite the ponytail it was in. Her green eyes moved around with slight recognition of the area. Her hand moved to sweep stray, short hairs away from her face. Her brows furrowed in confusion. She walked towards a cafe to talk to the hostess.

"Excuse me, do you know where the Fairy Tail guild hall is?" the new girl asked. The hostess chuckled lightly.

"Of course. I heard their lost teammates came back from the dead but I'm sure they're still weak. You can find them in a faraway farmhouse-looking building. Very rundown. Just take the south path out of town. You can't miss it!"

"Thank you," Kori said.

She knew Natsu would never put up with a reputation like this. She had to find him and ask about what was going on. She took the path as directed. As she was promised, she found an old rundown farm house. Shouting sounded from inside and the clatter of dishes falling off tables as they were knocked over rung around her. She cautiously opened the door. All eyes were on her. Natsu was the first to move.

"Kori!" he shouted running at her. He nearly knocked her down with a bear hug. "We thought you were dead! But boy were we wrong. Man I haven't seen you in forever! You're taller and your hair's a little longer and I'm sure you've improved your fighting skills and–"

"Well, I see Natsu's excited to see you," a kind but stern voice commented. The sister of Natsu looked at the strongest female in the guild. Beside Erza was Lucy, Happy, a small girl with blue hair, and Gray.

Lucy appeared very happy to see Kori: wearing a wide grin. Happy was eating a fish. The small girl waved and introduced herself as Wendy Marvel. Gray wore a small smirk. Kori was able to catch up with all her good friends and meet some new ones as she slowly made her way to the counter where Makarov rested.

"Good to have you back safe and sound," the master said. "Are you here to join us?"

"I'd be thrilled," Kori said. Mira grabbed the stamp. Kori had her icy blue mark placed on her right shoulder. Kori went to sit with her brother and a little boy who introduced himself as Romeo.

"Are we going to be in the Grand Magic Games this year?" Romeo asked his dad.

"What's the point. We don't even qualify most of the time," was the response.

"But Natsu and everyone else's back!" Romeo protested.

"I think we should chance it," Makarov joined in. "After all, 3,000 jewel is a lot."

"Let's hold trials to see who should go!" Lucy suggested.

"Yeah!" Natsu shouted. "C'mon Kori, Let's start right now!" He grabbed Kori's hand and pulled her out of the guild hall. The rest of Natsu's team followed behind.

"Ice dragon slayer shield!" Kori shouted.

A smallish shield appeared on her arm. She quickly deflected the fire roar. Steam clouded Kori and Natsu's battlefield. Natsu laughed triumphantly. He was promptly wacked on the head with a shield made of ice. He rubbed his head in pain. Kori emerged from the cloud with a fist of ice rushing towards his face. The battle had been won.

"Nice moves, Dragneel," a past friend's voice commented.

"Thanks," Kori said walking towards Gray.

"How about we do some sparring? I've got some moves I don't think you can beat," Gray said confidently.

"Sure," Kori responded. They took their sides of the battlefield.

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