Bad Decisions Make Good Friends

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This is where the story gets going. Comment and blah blah blah. Enjoy!

Kori POV

I feel it...
The cold...
I never felt it...
Except now...

Gray POV

I am out at the river under the bridge at sunset. Everyone at the guild is so loud and Juvia is so annoying. I am just about to go back when I see something.

"What the...?" It's a hand. And it just sunk beneath the water.

I jump in immediately. The water is probably cold but, of course, I don't feel anything. I look around. I don't see anyone so I am just about to go back up when I see her. She has black hair and tan skin. I go up for a quick breath of air then dive back down again. I am able to grab her and bring her up to the surface then to the side of the river. She is so cold.

I need to get her to the guild. I pick her up bridal style and take her to the guild.

I burst through the doors startling everyone. Wendy has not joined the guild yet.

"Mira, she's sick," I say. Mira nods.

"Take her to the guest room upstairs. I'll be up with medicine in a second."
I lay her on the bed and pull the blankets up to her chin. I sit down on a chair and wait for her to wake up. Mira then comes in and gives her medicine. She asks me if I wanted to go downstairs. I insist on staying.

The mysterious girl is gorgeous. Her flowing black hair, her tan skin, and the slow, steady sound of her breaths. She looks so peaceful. She then starts to stir.

Kori POV

My green eyes pop open to see a white ceiling. I next realize I am in a bed and not at the guildhall. Suddenly, my memories come rushing back. Just like the river I had been thrown in...

"Hey, are you ok? You were out for a while," a voice asks from my left. I turn my head to meet a guy with dark black hair in a chair, concern evident in his eyes. I sit up but doing so causes a headache so bad I had no choice but to fall back onto the pillow. "It's ok, just relax," the guy says from my left.

"Who are you? And where am I?" I ask in my croaky morning voice. The guy simply smirks.

"I'm Gray Fullbuster and you're in the Fairy Tail guild." I gasp and sit up, only to fall back down in pain.

"But you... they're a dark guild." Panic is evident in my voice. The boy seems only troubled by this.

"No. We're the good guys. Who told you that?" he says with extreme fight in his eyes.

"My previous guildmates, Grimoire Heart."

He stares at me in shock. Slowly, he openes his mouth to say, "Are you still a part of that guild?"

"No. I really just didn't have any connections and wanted to see the world. Why do you seem so surprised?"

"Well... you see... uh... Grimoire Heart is a... is a dark guild," I am shell-shocked. My guild. Who had welcomed me. Then I think it over. It made sense, I mean, they did almost kill me more than once. I push myself up into sitting position forcing the pain away. There is a sudden crash downstairs.

"Do you, uh, want to go see what that was?" I ask.

"It's probably just Natsu. But I should go get Mira." he walks out. The second before he goes downstairs he turns to me and asks, "By the way, what's your name?"

I smile. "Kori Dragneel," he smiles back then continues to walk downstairs.

Natsu. I think. If he has my same last name he might be my brother. It's been so long... I hear more crashing from downstairs. It sounds like a fight.

That's it, I'm going down there. I stand up and take some shaky steps toward a closet. I take off my now-dry but torn cloths and change into jeans, a dark blue T-shirt, a black denim jacket, and bronze-colored lace-up ankle boots.

Feeling much better and braver, I walk down the stairs. My head is still pounding with pain but I ignore it and walk out from behind the bar. The sight that awaited me frightened me more than seeing a dragon. Even more frightening than waking up and thinking that I was kidnapped. I could only say two words to express my fear:

"Grimoire Heart."

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