Chapter 9: Increasing Insanity

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Image Credits: FoxyCraft

Magiano and Dio LaRue

-Nilly- 🥀

     "He must have put his phone on silent." I stared disappointedly at my phone.

     "Aww." Kagekao's voice matched my disappointment perfectly.

     "Told you~" L.J. sang. "Pay up."

     Silver and E.J. muttered as they handed their money over.

     "I told you not to take the bet, kid," I said as I affectionately patted Lost Silver's head.

     I smiled, amused by his pouting. Grabbing my phone from off of the floor I stood, breaking our haphazard circle. "I'm gonna go get some fresh air."

     "Okay," E.J. said, "Anyone else wanna play Uno?"

     I left as they started arguing over Uno rules. Stepping outside was vastly different from the inside of the mansion. It was calm, the only movement was the swaying of tree branches in the wind. Silence, save for the sound of birds in the distance. I just stood outside the door for a minute, relishing the stillness.

     My attention shifted when I spotted Magiano's dog burst out from the trees. He came to a stop at my feet and looked up at me with his bright green eyes.

     "Hi!" I kneeled down to pet Dog. He was obviously a mutt. His dark gray fur was long, but not to the point of being shaggy, his body shaped like a sighthound's. Long floppy ears framed his face. His long tail wagged happily as I patted his head.

     Dog walked a few steps away and looked back. When I just stood there and watched him he ran back to me before retreating again. I took his actions as a 'follow me gesture' and let him lead the way through the thick forest of trees. Soon the two of us came to a small clearing. It was empty except for a lone figure lying in the middle of the space.

     Magiano looked over, slightly startled by our appearance. Dog trotted happily along, laying his head on his friend's lap.

     "Ah, it's just you. Nilly, wasn't it?" He sat up and gestured to the ground next to him. "Come, join me."

     I walked over and sat next to him. "What are you doing out here this early?"

     "Watching the sunrise," he responded simply. "We may be creatures of the night by habit, but I like to remember the sun. It keeps me somewhat sane in a mansion full of lunatics."

     "I hear you." I chuckled lightly.

     Magiano smiled softly and continued to gaze at the sky. Even from a simple observation, I could tell that he and Dog sat with the ease of two creatures that had known each other for years. Two creatures that trusted each other completely.

     "What's it like in France?" I asked suddenly, curious.

     "Pardon?" Magiano blinked himself out of his daze.

     "France," I prodded. "Eyeless Jack mentioned that you went to France. What's it like?"

    "Hm, well, it's fairly busy this time of the year. The scenery is beautiful. When I go, it's mostly to visit my mother and brother. Offender tags along because, well, quite frankly, the mansion can use a break from him now and then, and also because it's France. Need I say more?"

     "Mother and brother?"

     "I'm one of the lucky few who still have a family outside of here. Or want one, for that matter." He hugged Dog closer to him, his gaze returning to the ever-lightening sky. "My mother owns a small boutique, and my little brother, Dio, will be figure skating in the Grand Prix this year. To be completely honest with you, ma chérie, I don't want to be here. I'd rather be with them, celebrating their accomplishments. But I'm stuck here like the rest, if only because I'm an asset. That's the only reason any of us are here. The Slenderman doesn't let anyone stay here out of the kindness of his heart. No, the creature doesn't have a heart." His voice got cold, a contrast from his normal lighthearted dialect. "Anyone that's here is for his convenience, and his convenience only. You wonder why you're here? A bargaining chip with your older brother. I have the love of an older brother myself, I know what we'll do to protect our younger counterparts. As long as he has control over you, your brother can't do anything wrong for fear of harm coming to you. Honestly, this talk about how your brother will become a great proxy because your older sister was one is laughable. That's not how it works, for god's sake!"

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