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"demons are man eating monsters"...

Tanjiros pov
"Man eating monsters..? I questioned still not sure if this was one of his stories. "Yes man eating monsters that patrol the night.." Mr.Saburo spoke as he put a cigar in his mouth."can't they come inside Mr.Saburo?" I asked still unsure of the existence of "demons"  "yes" Mr.Saburo paused for a short moment "but there are demon slayers..they protect us mere people from these monsters".Mr.Saburo spoke as he placed his used cigar on a small tray.

"Lights out" We both lay in our separate futons 'maybe Mr.Saburo is just lonely maybe next time I come down the mountain I can bring my younger siblings and tell him there are no such things as demons and everything is fine' I thought as I stare at the wooden roof 'though I remember my grandmother saying the same thing before she died'  I told myself as I drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes only to quickly shut them due to a sliver of sunlight leaking through a small crack on the roof shining directly onto my eyes. 'I have a long way up the mountain it would be best to start.' I thought as I slowly rise up from the futon despite my tiredness.I put on my haori and slowly meander my way to my charcoal basket that was carefully placed in the corner of the room.

I lift it up and place each strap of one of my shoulders. "are you leaving already?" "AHH" I scream and I jumped in the air "oh Mr Savior you startled me but yes I'm leaving thank you for letting me stay the night!" I said with a smile. " you better go now then tell your mother that you are always free to stay the night before going up that mountain..." Mr Saburo said as he turn away. "I'll will goodbye mister Saburo" I called out as I left the small wooden house.

As I trudged my way up the steep mountain path.I look to my right to see to intertwining trees.I recognize these tree I'm close' I thought a large smile stretched across my face .

-Little did I know my smile won't stay for long-

I continued to march my way up the mountain side 'i hope that Rokuta(his youngest siblings) was able to sleep well since he's been having trouble sleeping for a while now.' I sighed at the thought hoping that they didn't cause my mother much trouble.Then out of nowhere a scent hit me it was a strong scent so strong that it burnt the inside of my nose.It...smelled..almost like..Blood I start running.

     Running as fast as my legs could carry me the straps of the basket almost falling off of my shoulders. 'Please tell me that their ok!! Please god I beg that their ok!' I round the corner at full speed then I see it... "NEZUKO WHAT HAPPENED WHO DID THIS!!" I run over to my sister that was all covered in blood cradling our youngest brother Rokuta in her arms.


i look to the left the horror visible on my face from what I saw.I quickly rush into the house tears forming and I checked for a heart beat 'please someone please survive your big brother is here' tears streamed down my face as i continued to check the bloody bodies
Dead Dead Dead i checked nezuko as she was the last one I needed to check 'she's still warm if I carry her to town we can get a healer' finally i at least had hope i hastily picked her up on to my back and started running i can't risk losing her

3rd person

As tanjiro runs with nezuko on his back,nezuko's and begins to twitch... ever so slightly.Her hand twitches again then all of the sudden her eyes shoot open as a sound that sounds like a mixture of a growl and a scream. 'What's that sound... is that nezuko?!' Tanjiro thought quickly whipping his head to look back towards nezuko.The sight wasn't very pretty as nezuko had her eyes rolled back in her head as she was thrashing around trying to rip herself from her older brothers back. " Nezuko what are you—" just as tanjiro tried to Mutter the last few words he tripped over some loose  snow. "GAHHHhh" then every thing went black

Tanjiro's pov

I slowly open my eyes "what?..what happened?" I thought but then It hit me "NEZUKO" I scream quickly scramble to stand up with some struggle due to the sharp pain in my back from the fall.As I stand I grab a small tree for support my eyes wonder to my left in search for my little sister.Then I see her standing in her night gown with the navy blue blanket I wrapped around her to keep her warm fell off her shoulder plopping soundlessly on to the snow. "Nezuko! Are you okay you don't have to walk to town a can carry you"

    I sprint towards her placing my hands on her shoulders.She was cold so cold that if she wasn't standing I would have thought she was dead.She quickly jerked her head up making eye contact with me for a second before lunging at me.I quickly grab my axe that been carefully hooked on to my belt and shoved it in front of me to block my face.As she landed on top of me the axe got tightly placed in between my sisters teeth as she tried to bite through it.

      Then I noticed her new facial features her teeth were much more sharp like that of a wolf,and her eyes were cat like unlike her beautiful angelic eyes before. 'Did she just get bigger?!' Her size got bigger and bigger almost crushing me under her new weight.

"Nezuko im sorry i wasn't there please stop your crushing me!" Just thinking of how much pain they must have felt made me tear up "im sorry nezuko while you and the others were being slaughtered I was sleeping like a baby!!" I started to tear up more "nezuko im here here now and I won't let anybody hurt you again!" I felt her body weight decrease and something wet fell on to my cheek I look up at nezuko to see her starting to cry

       "nezuko it's okay please don't cr—" "mist breathing fourth form: Shifting Flow Slash" what is that I look over nezuko's left shoulder to see a girl-no boy with long black hair with teal tips and he seemed to be wearing a uniform that looked to big for him coming straight for me and nezuko and is that a sword?! He was coming at such a high speed I had very little time to react but I rolled out of the way just in time.

Muichiro pov

I was walking towards a small village it took me five whole days to get there it shouldn't have taken me this long but I keep forgetting the way there.As I walked up the mountain I sensed a demon.'it doesn't seem to be strong,maybe it just turned?' Eh who cares I'll just slay it and leave'.

    I start running towards the direction i sensed the demon from it didn't take long as I'm quite fast.I saw a demon girl it looked like she was on top of someone.The person she was "eating" still seemed to be alive and was yelling about a Nezuko? or was it zezuko? It's a demon so I don't think it matters "mist breathing fourth form: Shifting Flow Slash" i was about to slice the demons head off the boy she was on top of tumbled out of the way slamming into a tree.

       "What are you doing didn't that girl just try to kill you?" I asked getting annoyed by the fact that he got in my way. "Well yes... but she would never hurt anyone!!!!" The boy with burgundy haired boy yelled clutching the demon in his hands.

   "That girl is clearly a demon just look at her features.It's my job to dispose of these filthy creatures,now gave her to me" I held my hand out motioning for him to hand over the girl. "NO! Please she's my sister she would never hurt someone!" He yelled tears starting to form in his red eyes.Did he just yell at me? How dare he. "Don't be a dumbass she's a demon and demons are heartless creatures.Now let me send her to hell already"




1438 words

Authors note
This is the end of this chapter! I had intended to write more but a family member of mine had to be hospitalized so I don't have much time to write.Well see you in the next chapter!

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