-the mist hashira-

182 9 14

"Now let me send her to hell already"...

Tanjiro's pov

      "WHAT?! You can't do that!" I cry afraid that if I let this boy come any closer I'll lose my only remaining family member. "I'm a hashira I can't do what ever I please" the boy scoffed clearly annoyed. "Listen I don't know who you are or what on earth a hashira is but your not killing my sister!"

I felt a strong wind blow past me and felt the weight in my arms lift.I quickly look down at my arms expecting to see nezuko only to find her not there.I begin to panic I frantically look at where the long haired boy once stood only to see that he wasn't there anymore.. "you talk to much for your own good.." the boy spoke I jerk my head to the direction of the voice

Muichiro pov

   I tightened my grip around the demon girls hands.The boy who was with her who I think is her brother or something hastily looked up at me from his place on the ground.I carefully study his features

'red hair and not to mention those beautiful maroon eyes wait what was a thinking about again? eh it does really matter'

"Just let me kill her and go on about your life it's that simple " I look directly at the boy

'this is pointless I should just kill her already, but I can't? Why can't I...I've probably killed hundreds so why is this one any different! Is it because of the boy?' I rise my sword and plunge it into the demons arm it lets out a loud shriek "can you shut up your already annoying me" blood spurst out the demons arm and lands in the snow "HEY LEAVE HER ALONE!!" The red haired boy picks up a large round stone and throws it into my direction which I easily evade "a stone really?"

   I look in front of me to see the boy gone I let on a loud sigh as my eyes dart around looking for the boy " your making this harder then it was to be..you know. " 'I'm taking to long here'

    The boy suddenly burst out of the trees and runs at me with his axe in his hands ready to attack.I rip my sword out of the demons arm.Once the boy was close enough I slam the foot of my sword on his shoulder hard enough to make him pass out on the ground.

       As soon as the boy landed on the ground I noticed that he didn't have his weapon. I kneel down and my sword in its holder I poke his cheek " didn't you have a weapon I could have sworn that you did ...?" I mumble to no one in particular.I demon girl struggle in my grasp "oh I forgot about you" I tightened my grip around her wrist.

     I start to stand then all of the sudden I hear a whoosh loud in the air I look up to see the boys axe coming for my head! I jump out of the way.  'When did he throw that? I was watching him the entire time!! He must of thrown it when he was behind that tree'

'Forget that how in the hell did that axe almost hit me anyway i'm a hashira after all!!'

      As i gaze down at the boy "wait what am I doing again?" Suddenly a harsh kick met my gut forcing me to skid across the snow  "oww.."
'Oh yeah I forgot about that rat (he's talking about nezuko :c )'

602 words

Authors note
I'm sorry for such a late update and short chapter! I kinda forgot about this since I've been busy.

The mist's tsuguko Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora