S5, Ep 47: Stiix and Stones

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(Looking for Ronin and the Scroll of Airjitzu, the ninja arrive on the docks of Stiix)

Fisherman: Welcome to Stiix. Watch your step. Oh, I caught one. It's a big fella. Ugh, whoa. Whoa!

(He's pulled into the Endless Sea)

Fisherman: Ugh. Dagnabbit.

(The ninja watch as Kai sits down nervously)

Jay: I didn't know you were afraid of heights.

Kai: I'm fine with heights. It's water I hate.

Y/n: You sure didn't seem to have a problem with that before.

Kai: Before I could make a Fire Dragon at will. Since Morro's taken over Lloyd and our powers gone, I haven't felt— Aagh!

(A plank breaks under him but Cole pulls him up)

Cole: Well, now that we know ghosts don't like water either, at least we should feel safe surrounded by it.

Jay: Ugh, what a dump. You'd think the thief who stole the Scroll of Airjitzu would have better taste.

Y/n: This is Ronin we're talking about. He'd steal the sea if it were worth anything even a few coins. We just have to figure out which rock the worm's under and get to the Scroll before Morro does.

Zane: Let's split up and start looking.

(The ninja arrive at a pawn shop and start looking)

Cole: Wait a minute, this is my dad's Blade Cup trophy. What's it doing in a pawn shop?

Kai: Selling stolen goods? Ha, sounds like we might have stumbled on the right place.

(Ronin whistles while carrying a vase)

Y/n: Ronin.

Ronin: Huh?

Jay: Going so soon?

Ronin: If this is about our last encounter, it was only business.

Kai: You left us in the mouth of a—

Ronin: So you're still upset. Let me make it up to you.

(He puts his vase down and pushes a button)

Ronin: Aha!

(The Vengestone net trap fails and the Ninja stare at him)

Ronin: Uh, that was a mistake. I can explain that.

Cole: Argh, nothing here is legit, including you.

Y/n: True. I bet your airship's not far either.

Jay: What do you call it again? Rylo? Ruby?

Ronin: R.E.X. And could you have a little sympathy? Sold her so I could buy this place. As you can see, I'm trying to make an honest living.

Kai: Honest enough to steal the Scroll of Airjitzu?

Ronin: The Scroll of Who-whatzu?

Y/n: Airjitzu.

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